Friday, November 11, 2016

Michelle Obama and Melania Trump: The frosty tea-time of the First Ladies in … THE WORLD

Two days after his victory in the US elections, not just Donald Trump visited his new home in Washington, D. C., also wife Melania was on Thursday. While the President-elect in the Oval Office of the predecessor, Barack Obama has left in office to introduce a meeting of the wives on the second floor in the Yellow Oval Room for a hot drink.

land There, overlooking the South lawn, chatting to the ladies on spindly chairs sitting, the legs are accurately superimposed, such as a from the White house-released photo shows. Between them a table with porcelain cups, bowls, small pastries. On the mantel behind flower arrangements in Yellow and Pink, to match the silk Wallpaper.

A perfectly staged Situation – of the two women, as they would rather be somewhere else. So stiff and upright posture, the strained Smile. During the election campaign, the two women had little to say. And now, apparently, too.

The conversation was according to belangslos and turned to one of the few intersections. You’ve talked about the difficulties of raising children in the spotlight, said the White house spokesman, Josh Earnest. The son of trump, Barron, is ten years old. The daughters of the Obama’s, Malia and Sasha, were ten and seven when they moved into the White house.

election loser Hillary Clinton has spent their newfound leisure time, apparently, significantly more pleasant, like a Facebook Post shows, which has been marked over 88,000 “Likes”: Margot Gerster, a resident of the town of White Plains in the state of New York, met the Almost-President by accident when Hiking.

“I was so sad after the election that I decided to go with my girls, Hiking,” writes Gerster. So they were driven to their favorite place in Chappaqua. “We were the only ones there and it was so beautiful and relaxing. As we just wanted to go home, I heard a rustling suddenly came to me. As I entered the clearing, she was suddenly Hillary Clinton with husband Bill and their dogs.”

Gerster had come to her and have embraced the Democrat, quite spontaneously. “I told her that it was one of my proudest moments as a mother, as I took Phoebe with me to the choice.” Clinton did hug back and thanked. The photo Gerster posted, it shows Arm in Arm with Clinton – Gerster with a Baby on the back, Clinton with a dog on the side. The family Clinton has an estate in Chappaqua.

“We have even exchanged a few pleasantries, then I let her walk continued on,” concludes the young woman in your Post. “I don’t believe in signs, but that must have been one. Am so proud of!”

also read:

>>>facts at a glance: You should now be for the election of Donald Trump to know

>>>Comment by Henryk M. Broder, “A flight of arrogance and contempt”

From the Model to the First Lady – Who is Melania Trump?

you will probably be the most unusual First Lady, what did the USA ever. Melania Trump, the third wife of Donald trump. She is an Ex-Model and lead a Glamour-life. source: The world


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