Friday, November 11, 2016

Literature: poet of quiet sounds: Ilse Aichinger is dead – FOCUS Online

Friday, 11.11.2016, 17:00
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The author was at odds with its own existence. Their mysterious language, the Austrian made one of the most important voices of the post-war literature. Now the withdrawn Viennese died.

longing for An everlasting death through the life of the writer Ilse Aichinger. The Holocaust, and private strokes of fate shaped the reticent and media-shy author. You encapsulated over the decades, more and more of the world.

With their dark experiences, they brought in a mysterious language paper, was for the Viennese to one of the most important representatives of the post-war literature. Your total work is manageable, but the more weight. Now the author has died at the age of 95.

Particularly drawn to the poet with Jewish roots to the time of the Second world war in Vienna. Not the Horror of the Hitler regime was the worst. “The war was my happiest time,” said Aichinger once the weekly newspaper “die Zeit”. Hope I lived there, the rude awakening was to come later.

In a strange way, dark, irritating lyrically, many of their texts. On the depth and the intensity of the things you is your attention and creates density images of a poetic, and at the same time analytical sharpness. It Aichinger wanted to write a report about the war, not a whole book. She began to study medicine, but failed, in his own words at their clumsiness. However, in the course of your life you estimated to your sides to hide.

your work Aichinger, which is already occurred many years before her death in Public or given Interviews, has referred to as the stealth. “Write a Form can be silent,” said Aichinger once. Life was “absurd impertinence,” said the German press Agency. Even as a child, she wanted to disappear. That never changed, and one of her favorite Hobbies helped her: To old age she was fond of going to the cinema, there in the darkness and anonymity for some time.

“I felt it an imposition that you will not be asked if you want to come to the world. I would have refused,” she said of “time”. The death she longed for over 20 years: “I want to be dead, but I don’t want to die, because I got to see a few times in the marsh, how long can it take.”

Aichinger in 1921, was Born in Vienna. She spent the war years with her Jewish mother in a small room. The Deportation of the grandmother and the vexatious treatment by the Viennese authorities after the end of the war was shaped by traumatic your perception of the world.

A particularly close relationship she had always for her twin sister, who was able to escape with their aunt in front of the Hitler Horror to England. 600 letters, the writer wrote with Helga. The correspondence in July 1939 and continued until the present. In 2012, the collection of the touch went over documents about war and exile in the literature archive Marbach. It also reflected the emergence of your novel “The larger hope” (1948).

In encrypted images she describes in her only novel, the experience of being Foreign. The distrust against a false sense of security, a deep, sometimes ambivalent seeming commitment to is to hope. “Who is stranger, you or I? The hate, is stranger than the hated, and the strangers most, feel most at home", – stated in the Text.

19 years old was married to the “group 47″-member with the author Günter Eich and had two children. The family lived a long time near the German border in Salzburg, together with aichinger’s mother. The Villa in Großgmain many visitors attracted to it. To the outside the couple, however, remained closed. “This public life you don’t want both, because they are both shy and reserved,” said her daughter, Miriam, a trained stage designer, the SWR2.

According to the strokes of fate, was looking for you back in the big city: After oak’s death in 1972, Aichinger moved to Frankfurt-am-Main and later to Vienna. In 1998, her son Clemens died in an accident.

The texts in the course of time becoming shorter and shorter, the wait times in between longer. For your poems, short stories and radio plays such as “buttons” was honored with numerous awards. In 2015, she was awarded the Great art prize of the province of Salzburg. “Its timeless, of all literary modes that cannot be influenced and printed the total work may be narrow – and yet it is immense,” it said in the reasoning of the Jury. The award was accepted by her daughter.

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