Wednesday, November 9, 2016

In the Bavarian broadcasting: Thomas Gottschalk Radio is back again-Moderator – FOCUS Online

Wednesday, 09.11.2016, 16:14
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Thomas Gottschalk (66) returns to his roots and is back to regular Radio presenter at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. “I look forward, in the case of Bavaria, 1 the listeners to collect them again, have come to me over 30 years ago is missing,” said Gottschalk.

Of the 8. In January 2017 he will be hear in a month on Bayern 1, always on the first Sunday of the month from 19.00 to 22.00.

“of Course I’m going to move me musically, especially in the Classic Rock area, after all, I’m myself almost a classic,” said Gottschalk. How, exactly, its broadcasts will look like, he doesn’t yet know, but the first song he’ll play, always: “Back Home” for the rock band Golden Earring.

long-term cooperation planned

Gottschalk started his career in the early 1970s in the BR Radio Bayern 3, later, he was with shows like “Pop eight” (1977-1980), or the “B3 radio show” (1985-1989), which he moderated together with Günther Jauch, far beyond Bavaria known.

in 2013 had returned to Gottschalk for some broadcasts on Bayern 3. Now a long-term cooperation with Bavaria 1 was planned “- true to the Motto: the age of 66 conclusion”.

Gottschalks TV-rates fell last

“We very much look forward to Thomas and I think many listeners will also be delighted that Thomas Gottschalk – back to the roots – is finally heard again in the Bavarian radio, which means: good mood, good music, good Radio,” said Director of radio, Martin Wagner.

Gottschalk bets after his departure from the ZDF-parade show “that..?” At the end of 2011 in front of approximately 15 million viewers, far more, the masses in front of the TV can get. His attempt to establish in the First on the eve of a new daily broadcast (“Gottschalk live”), failed to clear the quota.

to use it as a member of the Jury of RTL’s-”super talent” was rather pale, “Gottschalk’s big class reunion” is also not a Hit. Most recently, he moderated in June, the Live programme “human Gottschalk – The move Germany” in RTL.

In the Video: The responses to Gottschalk’s “the scene”-Trick

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