Friday, November 11, 2016

Ilse Aichinger, a writer she wanted to be never – Deutschlandfunk

The Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger’s dead. She died at the age of 95 years. Their daughter Mirjam Eich confirmed the German press Agency. Last Aichinger had lived very retired in Vienna, where she returned in 1988.

Ilse Aichinger and her twin sister Helga in 1921 as the daughters of a Jewish Doctor and a teacher in Vienna, were Born. Early parents divorced, her Childhood, Ilse Aichinger spent in Linz. Later she came into the care of her grandparents in Vienna. Her grandmother was deported by the Nazis in a truck. Ilse Aichinger is the eye witness. “After Hitler’s invasion, we were one of the people in Austria. In Vienna, which was a little earlier, clearly, he’s been welcomed here with great jubilation.”

her sister emigrated to London. Ilse Aichinger remains in Vienna. You want to report on what happens. Already in 1942, she starts with her novel “The larger hope” – in the center of the plant, a group of Jewish children in the postwar period. “Someone has always asked me what I’m doing actually. And as I said, I’ll just write down what was in the war. And the has the played the Bermann Fischer and his wife in the Hand, which were in Vienna. And so it came, and they took it – but you have not praised it very much.”

part of the 47

Today it is one of the great works of German post-war literature. In 1950, Ilse is Ilse Aichinger proofreader in the publishing house, which published their works. In her long life, Ilse Aichinger wrote mainly poems, short stories and radio plays. She was also a member of the writers group 47 to Heinrich Böll. “I once wrote something That, for me, the group of 47 was very important, as I’ve always wanted scouts to the path. But there was no money. I found it especially and that has helped me my whole life, there are things. I found it very funny, I found a great Comedy in all the productions, in the beach, hotels and all the knights, castles, and what was going on. I really liked it.”

The literary breakthrough with the “mirror of history”. In it, she tells the life of reverse of the stretcher up to the cradle. Their message: It is to unlearn everything. Also, and especially, the language. Compress, that was her. “Someone said: ‘It is necessary to know a little of everything, albeit very little.’ And I think that is terrible. I think it is necessary to know one or two things very much. And then, one discovers the other, what is necessary.”

the group of 47, she learns her husband Günter Eich know, a colleague. With him she has two children – her daughter, a stage designer is a man of letters, son of Clemens and actor. When he dies in an accident, withdraw it from the Public. In the course of their long life, Ilse Aichinger has received numerous awards. You always remained self-critical. The study of medicine had canceled after five months. She was too clumsy, she said. And writer wanted to you will never. “If I had thought of such a profession, I would have thought, rather, of a Journalist. I also wanted to report something later. I wanted to report how it was.”


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