Sunday, November 6, 2016

ARD-Krimi – Kiel “crime scene”: Lost in the fanaticism of – Sü

Brandt and Borowski are the IS helpless, many questions remain open. Also Anne Will not be able to answer.

column of the Carolin Gasteiger


In this case, are all powerless. The commissioners, because they have to bend to the will of the state protection, state protection, because it is dependent on the converts, as a bait, follow the converts, in turn, because they are blind to Islamism. Many questions remain for this evening-the scene , and it is unlikely that Anne Will can clarify this.

“crime scene” from Kiel – relevance significantly, action middlings

A German girl breaks the direction of the “Islamic state”. Unfortunately, the “scene of the crime” is a crime – and the topic is associated with a tenacious killer hunting. TV-criticism of Holger Gertz more …

What happened?

accused The 17-year-old Julia Heidhäuser her brother of the murder of her classmate, Maria Breuer, and confused the Kiel investigator Borowski and Brandt with the accusation. Indeed, it is briefly rinsed out the corpse of Breuer’s at the shore of the fjord. The Dead had Connections to the Criminal Hasim Mahdi. The returns after his release, exactly in the mosque, in the Julia on the verge of converting to Islam. Pretty confusing, what to have Packed the creators of everything in a single case.

Significant monologues:

From the Off, Julia turns with parting words to her mother. In one scene, she speaks on the tape:

Mama, if you hear this, then I will not be there. Don’t Worry, I’ll write to you. I’m going to go where everything is different. A distant Planet, where I can be different. Your colors are my colors. Your life is not my life. Your wishes are not my wishes. I don’t want to be who I am. I don’t want to be there where I am.


Even if much remains open, this case is under the skin and stimulates Thinking. How to respond to the radicalisation of young people is best? The helpless around the commissioners and the perplexity of Juliet’s family seem to fall realistically and are representative of our company.


As Julia came up with that, anyway to convert to Islam? What exactly happened between her and Maria Breuer? And the classmate were again inside Julia? Too much remains at the end of this place is only alluded to, and much of it seems arg is constructed.

Best scene:

converted Julia to Islam and your faith sisters, it looks initially pretty excited, stammers, then, unsure of the words of the Imam, but it is always self-confident and cries out finally with a firm voice: “Allahu Akbar!” It is one of the rare moments in the Film, Julia’s eyes Shine in the spotlights. And this is all the more disturbing.

Best performance:

Mala Emde embodies the titular lost girl Julia is very believable. How torn she is between the world in which she lives, and the world in which they will soon flee, is particularly clear in the scenes with her mother and her brother. In a Moment she screams angry, the next she begins to desperately to cry.

punch line in the end:

Until recently, believe Borowski and Brandt, to be able to rescue the girl. In vain. Julia aimed the gun at the Imam, speaks to her dead mentor and shoots himself in the head. A tragic end, but for the young girl who was deprived of all hope, the seemingly inevitable.

Who determines where and with what Tricks?

Two girls in Dresden, a couple in Weimar and Munich for 25 years. Everything you need to know about the “crime scene”commissioners – in our interactive graphic. By Carolin Gasteiger and Jessy Asmus more …

The best audience comments:


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