Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Literature: Herfried and Marina Münkler on “New German” – ABC Online

Tuesday , 08.30.2016, 15:57
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As strangers to German , A scientist couple appreciates Merkel’s refugee policy and outlines the guidelines of successful integration. Instead threatening scenario a reward culture

What does successful integration? swear on the constitution? Regularly eat pork? As put Muslim woman’s headscarf? Few issues are being so hotly debated as the question of how can the many newcomers to insert into German society best.

Unfortunately, there is much confusion. Because current disputes over the right counterterrorism and growing distrust towards Islam tarnish the factual and tranquil view of the long-term issue of integration, as the excitement over the burqa last showed. So it is good that two scientists again steer now focus on the essentials.

“The new German” is the book of the renowned Berlin political scientist Herfried Münkler and his wife Marina, the research mainly on intercultural topics , In the joint work of the pair, it is not just about the refugee crisis and the famous “We Can Do That” the Chancellor, but much more extensive even to the successful design of the German immigration society. In fact, the book is even a guide to action.

First, however, the authors look ahead to 2015, the disputed border opening and the subsequent measures to protect the Schengen border back. They pay tribute to the Chancellor their respect. Angela Merkel had saved the “honor of Europe” by her firm and prudent action. They had gone the only way, which is suitable to a liberal democratic state in such a conflict, namely a balance between humanitarian aid, which are the values ​​of Europe, and a robust border policy to give refugees access not too easy.

Even more exciting are the remarks on immigration. Migration has always existed, formerly from the countryside to the city, today from poor to rich countries. Immigration, the basic thesis of the two scientists is indispensable for the Western States for demographic and economic reasons. She has even become a “structural component of renewal”. To be in the 29 richest countries last a migrant come in two newborns.

The German integration model, the authors designate as “natural”, that is, it was never him a detailed plan and no political and cultural value system based on the contrary, it responded to the needs of the moment. Despite this relative lack of concept, the German model has proven to be “amazingly powerful”. The show itself especially if you compare it with other European integration models. For both France and Sweden and the Netherlands, following the very different approaches to integration, have as a result of large deficits. But that was no reason now be simply to cover, because even in Germany were in the past, serious mistakes have been made, of which one has to learn.

The most important requirement of the two scientists is the rapid integration of newcomers in the labor market and generally to avoid anything that promotes passivity and thus a potential drift into social assistance. The main criticisms are therefore the long waiting periods in asylum applications, the selective allocation of integration and language courses by country of origin and thus the exclusion of certain Asylbewerberguppen. The primary treatment of Germans and EU citizens through employment agencies is hindering the rapid employment. Excessively rigid regulation of the labor market as a whole is bad for the new one.

Herfried and Marina Münkler keep the Germans also the mirror before. So often criticized traditionalism Turkish families was mainly the result of a policy that immigrant women have for years deliberately excluded from the labor market. This should be in the future strongly avoided. The constant reference to the religious identity as an alleged obstacle to integration of Muslims used also to self-discharge of the Germans. So you need through social slippage, which you have accepted or even encouraged indirectly, not to worry. But not Islam, but the social failure represented generally at the beginning of problematic immigrants careers

Overall, the authors want more positive motivation for immigrants. Gratuity instead of sanctions. Instead threat scenario a reward culture. The majority of politicians should emphasize these demands. But under pressure from the right is a great temptation to make wrong choices. Integration, as this book shows, is demanding. You need a long breath and patience. Propaganda and incitement are their biggest enemy. This book could be an excellent compass for policy

– Herfried Münkler, Marina Münkler:. The new Germans. A country facing its future, Rowohlt Verlag, Berlin, 334 pages 19,95 Euro, ISBN 978-3-87134-167-0.


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