Does it sit by the children’s table: Elyas M’Barek
Ibiza gets actors Elyas M’Barek no celebrity special treatment. In an ice cream shop he had to take place at the children’s table
In the summer holidays you can treat yourself to cool down like a scoop of ice cream. This has also “F * ck You, Goethe” -Star Elyas M’Barek (34) thought. However, apparently so many other people had the same idea that the ice cream stand on Ibiza little more empty seats. But M’Barek took it with humor and made himself unceremoniously at the children’s table comfortably, like this Instagram post proves
“Had the children’s table,” the commentary of the actor is to the photo that him sitting on a tiny chair shows. That the 34-year-old looks good there too, proves this comment from a fan: “You also encouraging highchair good Schnuggi.” But for what variety he probably decided? When the color of the ice ball could tap mango or passion fruit – is conjectured as well as in the comments
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