Tuesday, August 30, 2016

bricked station doors – travelers need through the window – THE WORLD

Bad Bentheim – The once Imperial station of Bad Bentheim in Lower Saxony is again an important hub are, but currently face there secular problems: the doors to the tracks can not be opened, since the platforms were increased by about 40 centimeters due to modernization.

because the new platforms block all doors must Travellers climb through an open window or walk around the building to get to their trains. What looks like a Schildbürger prank could be, according to the mayor of Bad Bentheim, Volker margins, not prevent it.

“It is necessary to get worse before it better is “, the SPD politician said. “The vast majority of people taking it with humor.” The city is the owner of the historic train station and wants to sell it to the public transport company Bentheimer Eisenbahn once conveying the Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen (LVNG) amounting to EUR 1.1 million have been granted. Then, the conversion of the building could start, is intended for 3.3 million euros, reported margins. The floor of the building and the square should be increased. The work will take on its assessment until the end of 2017.

Breakdown itself is train driver, but not yet climbed through the window. “This is more an emergency exit,” he says. The spokeswoman for the Deutsche Bahn (DB), Sabine Brunkhorst, the situation will not funny. “I think it is because of the risk of accident completely absurd to let people through the window,” she said. “We are the owner and the subsequent users of the building to point insistently forward to ensure that the travelers take only safe and accessible way around the building to the platform.”

4.6 million euros to invest the DB, the federal government and the LNVG in the reconstruction of the station of the spa town on the border with North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands. The works were coordinated with the owner of the station building, says the web spokeswoman. The City points out that the long-term planning of the railway were not to push it back.

Since April, the doors are bricked up to the tracks. First reported the local press, in the past week, the NDR satire magazine brought “Extra 3″ a TV report under the heading “Real madness.” In it are old to see, pulling a ticket, only then heave their bags through the window and afterwards climb.

Lara Wiencke who regularly commutes from Enschede to their native Hamburg, makes it that way. “I find it rather funny. I do not mind, “says the student. Walter Eberhard from Nordhorn said: “My wife is more athletic than I, which also jumps through the window.”

Press release German Railways for modernization of the station Bad Bentheim

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