Friday, May 20, 2016

ZDF presenter Dunja Hayali explains why they made hate-letter publicly – ABC Online

Friday, 05.20.2016, 17:43
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An anonymous correspondents insulted ZDF presenter Dunja Hayali. His text is full of insults and misspellings. The presenter posted the letter now on Facebook.

Hayali refused to accept the insulting letter to them tacitly. “Many get no with how widespread this hatred now,” said the ZDF presenter. That was one of the reasons to publish the anonymous letter on Thursday on Faceook.

“In the beginning I thought, to identify the letter writer, but there is no return address, nothing,” Hayali said. “The alternative was therefore to do nothing or to react with humor.” Meanwhile, she got a lot of approval.

Correction of spelling errors

The letter writer, who as a “law-abiding, highly qualified citizens called “the presenter had honored with several offenses, some with xenophobic tenor. Hayali responded with irony: “I would like to respond to you privately, but without a return was not possible for me,” she wrote on Facebook. “Therefore, I will reply you now publicly. That you, law-abiding “and highly skilled ‘are, I would now times very carefully doubt. With everything else you have right, of course. “

The letter has Hayali provided at the edge with lines for each fault of the consignor. It came together a few dozen, for misspelling and incorrect punctuation, partly several in a row. “And I do not take for me to claim to have found any mistake, let alone that I myself am without errors” Hayali said.

Negative Post is regularly

Offensive Post is the ZDF presenter usual: “I get quite a few of these letters, not just once a week,” she said. “But I get a lot of incredibly positive letters.” Responding to all letters, was impossible. “. I do this when I realize that there is interest in the exchange”

The idea to mark the spelling and point error of the sender in red pencil, was a journalist at the first reading: “I had problems to understand the letter and had to rummage through me right there. Then I got the idea to paint the error. “

German Journalists Association supports Hayali

The National Chairman of the German journalists Association (DJV), Frank Everywhere Hayalis keeps reaction for use with: “. I think that’s the right way, the posting so and not respond to the calling and insults”

Pointed letters to media have always existed. “But there has in recent years some changes until the campaign to inject on individual journalists. We are primarily used in the Internet and anonymous, “said everywhere. “It is the great question of how we want to handle it?”

It was necessary to ask a journalist how much power they could invest it and wanted to respond to it. The letter to Dunja Hayali was clearly offensive. “Since you can no longer, in reply to it.” Even so it was right to show with the release of example, in which direction to go some letters.

More Hate Speech on facebook

According to the ZDF was in the last two years an increase in Hate-speech comments on Facebook to watch, starting with the Ukraine conflict. “By the appearance of the AFD and the refugee problem, the number of hate-speech comments has significantly increased,” ZDF informed on request. “We are also seeing a brutalisation of language and Gedankenguts. Torture and death threats against other users, generally misanthropic, racist language”

presenter Hayali said she was glad that the reactions to the publication in the social media was overwhelmingly positive. “But there are also comments like, This is happening to her all right, just as it treats its critics. ‘”

Until Friday afternoon there was on their Facebook -Account already more than 22,400 “Like”, “Angry” or “Haha” marks. Under the Post are good 6,100 comments, often full of appreciation for Hayalis handling the insulting letter – and with much ridicule about the limited writing skills of the sender

In the video:. Truth takes time: Dunja Hayali holds emotional speech against xenophobia

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