Friday, January 15, 2016

+++ Jungle camp in the news ticker +++: Legat raves from fellow campers: “I’ve … – ABC Online

Saturday, 01.16.2016, 12:59 · FOCUS-Online Editor Kinga Rustler , FOCUS-Online Editor Joseph Hausner , FOCUS-Online-author Deana Mrkaja and FOCUS Online-author Laura Gaida
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The tenth Season of the RTL show “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here” is started. First fight twelve participants to the jungle crown. What meanness RTL has come up? The Jungle Day 1 in the news ticker of FOCUS Online.

In a Nutshell: A novelty in the RTL jungle show ‘I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here! “: At the start of the Season 10 of Ekelspektakels, in which the candidates have to bathe in spiders, maggots and cockroaches, go first twelve participants in the race. In recent years, there were always eleven. Up to two weeks are more or less prominent inmates together in the Australian jungle and fight for the title “King of the Jungle / -in”

00.10 clock. That’s the jungle Day 1! A promising start. Although This is also due to the control innovations, but especially in this year’s Camp-dwellers. Sophia Wollersheim has been extremely enjoyable and could be the new victims of viewers will in Helena Fürst and Nathalie people slumbers Zicken potential, Rolf Zacher and Gunter Gabriel are two crazy camp Opis and even with the seething volcano Thorsten Legat it could still be exciting. We are eager to have us entertained splendidly and look forward to the coming days! Taaaaa

Sophia and Helena have in the jungle test

00.05 clock: Now proclaim Sonia and Daniel, who in the “Snake Rock” -Team the big prize draws and tomorrow need to jungle test. “Big Brother” -Jürgen it is not to his own surprise, just Torsten. The spectators are again common and have tailored for the two who gezickt in the first episode: Helena and Nathalie, “Prince and People”. And must Ran: Helena!

00:03 clock: Na delicious! Gunter Gabriel pees when he is in the shower. that Ricky is right next to him, he sincerely does not matter. “I love strong showers with a strong jet”. Um, yes …

00:02 clock: Rolf Zacher talking nonsense in the jungle-phone and sings to herself … We can not camp the OPI as legal consequences , Do you feel differently

23.49 clock? And it iiiiiiist … Sophia! What has the Wollersheim, viewers have already seen – what they can, they should show tomorrow

23.48 Clock: Alfa-Kevin, uhhh, -Rüde David! perhaps it is Brigitte has already demonstrated their skills and will be spared by the audience . From impact-blonde Sophia Germany wants the other hand “might” see even more than it already is the case in any case

23.43 clock. Wow, that went so fast! The “Base Camp” is already announced, who has in the jungle tomorrow examination. Ricky it’s not. Jenny – You’re from the Playboy – Elvers (O-Ton Hartwich) also remains spared. This surprises us almost a little

Menderes wins jungle test – Sophia has “given everything”

23.40 clock. “I really Bock on the boy” enthuses Thorsten Legat. Yikes, what says the tough footballers there? Menderes’ performance in the first two jungle tests seems to him to have impressed

23.36 clock. Menderes quatscht not, but emerged after the last two keys and opens the hatch win for him. ! Sophia and her team go instead of empty. “Given everything” that Wollersheim has nevertheless – she says at least self We report a slight hesitation at

23.32 Clock: Crayfish.. , eels and even more mud crabs join the ascending and subducting celebrities. Sophia has trouble getting air, because “water is coming into my eyes.” Well …

23.30 Clock: The test starts. Water flows into the tank. Both begin eagerly to unscrew the stars. Menderes is faster, Sophia exerts meanwhile in self-reflection. “I’m totally stupid that I ever mitmache here” A full knowledge of that comes a little too late …

23.28 Clock: “I’m really scared that I myself am in the Buxe” laments Sophia when she and Menderes be locked into the tanks. Look at it positively, Sophia: That would not be noticed under water after all,

23.26 clock. We fear a serious drawback for Sophia Wollersheim in this damp Water Fun – her two lifebuoys drag surely keeps going up … Well, anyway: We still keep our fingers crossed

23.24 clock: “Animal enema”. ie the jungle test. The rules: Sophia and Menderes are ever imprisoned in a water tank. 20 water spiders rejoice in knee-deep water to the VIP company. The goal is to open six locks of the boarding hatch and so to free himself as First out of the tank. Water and a few animals constantly come naturally at that. A true Jungle Fun! Who will probably claw victory

23.20 Clock: “Double D against double-DS,” said Daniel Hartwich describes the duel between Sophia and Menderes. Hehehe. Too much time for good sayings have not yet received in the opening show otherwise Sonja and Daniel

23.12 clock. And on we go with the struggle of the teams. RTL are indeed correct gas today! The other group decides who must compete from the other team to the Jungle Duel. The choice falls on Sophia (“Base Camp”) and Menderes (“Snake Rock”). Hopefully the latter kicks better than in his numerous “DSDS” -Castings …

23.05 Clock: The first camp Zoff there between Nathalie and Helena. The reason: Nathalie’s underpants hung out above “That’s my problem,” pimped the “Top Model” contestant for a nice-intentioned note of Helena.. The Prince scolds back. “If you want war of nerves, you can have him. Then you lose. I think you are you having a slight tick, my love.” Then they still dissing each other, because they are old or young. Oh Ladies!

23.00 Clock: “Most relationships nowadays not run more,” says the wily David Ortega. He wants to reason rather concentrate on his “business”. After all, he did not seem aware of taking the word “career” in the mouth, otherwise we would have to disagree with smooth …

“Fight Lesbian”: impact-blonde Wollersheim starts nasty slanderous attack

22.54 Clock: Helena Fürst snoring not only worse than any walrus, as the recordings from the night clearly show. It is also “a little fighting machine”, is Jenny Elvers, while blaspheming the other campers about Prince. The Wollersheim lays contrast really begins. Your blasphemous target: Helena’s hairstyle. “This is reminiscent of a man who wants to be very practical. Your hairstyle reveals a great deal about them.” Helena’s new hairdo reminds plump Busenwunder even to a “fight lesbian”, she says. Charmant, the Wollersheim! A real Lästermaul …

22.52 Clock: The sun rises in the jungle camp, the first night is done. “I’ve suffered tonight,” laments Ober-Mimmi Gabriel straight on. We also suffer, dear Gunter

22.47 clock: Oh you poor! Wannabe Alfa-Camper David Ortega feels attacked by Sonja Zietlow. The congregation “Mimmi” has Just spoken to him because he wanted nothing to eat in the jungle test! Since complained of “actor” just in front of his camp inmates – and calls for an apology from Sonja. Since the Zietlow has probably scratched a little ego …

22.41 Clock: Gunter and Rolf, the two elders in the camp may not be elected tomorrow jungle test. Pity! Because they would have to take full whine mutually. Wen viewers want to torment well instead? We tap quite strongly on the Prallers … uh, Wollersheim! That would be a big pleasure

22.36 clock: Somehow it is funny, the Rolf Zacher. With its strange cloth, which he wrapped around his head, the Camp-Oldie commanded around the other, expresses special requests and complains anyway. Ex-footballer Legat has already his aggression restrain. Dynamite is there this year

22.34 Clock: Crispy camel – no, that’s no more jungle test, but the reward for the “Snake Rock” has previous won! , We’re not just jealous …

Gunter Gabriel whines rum: “Tomorrow morning I’ll go”

22.30 Clock: Gunter Gabriel whines now rum already. “I can not stand”, “How can I bear it?”, “I’ll go early morning” “Is not it awful”. Man, you old misery Liese! No slept overnight at camp and you hit those notes. We are curious how long Gunter persevere.

22.27 Clock: Does the serious? Jürgen Milski whose ‘Snake Rock’ team has now also arrived in the second camp, asking: “Where is our bathroom?” There’s probably someone “Big Brother” -verwöhnt! Ex-footballer Legat contrast is pointedly hard. Is this just the shell or the really

22.23 Clock: First visit the six localities in the camper Camp – and make like real wimps?. especially Ricky and Sophia complain about the oh so disgusting toilet. “inhumane” said the Wollersheim. Well, since it is well ass cheeks squint

22.21 clock! “? And who see us now” asks baffle Blonde Wollersheim her colleague Brigitte Nielsen when she with her Team arrived and sit at the camp phone. Um yes, Sophia? Have you ever looked the jungle before? Might have been helpful

22.19 clock. The teams are now separated and make in each case on the way to the camp. And in Sauseschritt – unless your name is Rolf Zacher …

22.18 clock: body search at the Wollersheim – because the Ranger has so much good stuff abzuchecken. Sophia desperately even more: “You have taken me all my hair bands, because it’s made of plastic. I was taken off my panties. I will not offer me. I think that Sucks “Oh dear, the busty girls hat’s not easy

Gabriel: ” I have only a pair of underpants with – the need rich but “


22.17 clock: Gunter Gabriel confesses again things that nobody wants to hear. “I have only a pair of underpants with – that must reach it!” Ugh, Too Much Information, old man

22.16 Clock: Then the celebrities for contraband! searches. Ricky tried brought toilet paper – and is rough laughed from Ranger. “We have leaves on the trees” – ah yes … This is a rough affair for the actor

Video:. So funny react Australians on the picture of a jungle camp-Stars

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