Saturday, December 12, 2015

Were blamed himself: Lady Gaga about rape: “I thought it was … – ABC Online

Saturday, 12.12.2015, 11:07
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A year ago Lady Gaga first reported by a rape. Now the singer has reiterated:. She had long given themselves to blame, says Gaga

Before almost exactly one year ago, in early December 2014 Lady Gaga shocked the public : In a radio interview, the singer first reported by a suffered rape. Now the 29-year-old has reported re-word. In a discussion of the film “The Hunting Ground” she told of her difficult coping with work, such as the “New York Post” reported. They did not speak about the experience whole seven years Gaga said.

thought she had the act itself provoked

“I did not know how to think about it at all, I did not know know how to accept it, I did not know how I did not blame themselves or to regard it as my fault, “said the singer. Ultimately, perhaps have even the religiously inspired idea, they have provoked the crime, played a role. “Because of the way I dress and give as a person, I thought, I’ve been in some way about myself.”

The documentary “The Hunting Ground” deals with high rape rate in US -Colleges and universities. Lady Gaga has contributed the song ‘Til It Happens To You “for the soundtrack. In an interview with US radio talker Howard Stern she had indicated a year ago for the first time that she had been raped at the age of 19 years by a music producer

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