Saturday, December 12, 2015

Congratulations, Vovo Gangsta: Frank Sinatra to 100. – THE WORLD

Not unlikely that even liked him. How do people lie down for a Merry hard bound in velvet Sinatra Splendour illustrated books on the coffee tables, solemnly pretend the back freshly pressed and re-bagged Sinatra records and watch TV any singers in how they sing Sinatra songs, which actually only sing Sinatra should, because he has not written, but so sung as if they were from him. He would have enjoyed the home-style and tasteful fuss about him and his music. So it should have presented its 100th anniversary.

is currently being spoken and written about our values ​​and popular culture much. One feels it like being in the pew or at the kitchen table and desires when one’s reputation for role models too loud and the homily is too much, Frank Sinatra would occur one, tapped his grin to his hat and babbled that without the bad also beauty is not to have. Someone gave him. And he told the story of how the Pop was invented and where he came from: A boy whose ears towered over his shoulders, grew up on the wrong river, staring daily across to the other side, to the big city and its lights, and decided, to conquer it and then the whole world. By all means.

Adorno had no idea

“Out of nothing he has done everything,” explains Jean -Paul Belmondo in a Georges Simenon adaptation-ago Sinatras ärmlichem birthplace in New Jersey across from New York. The parents came from Sicily and Genoa. Sinatra’s father was a fireman and prizefighter, the Mother local chairman of the Democrats, by the way she ran a speakeasy, where the ban on alcohol was happily broken, and carried out abortions.

There is a Selfie of Sinatra in the bathroom mirror, he is 14 years old and bursting with pride and self-confidence from the suit. Needless to say, that he was already wearing a hat. In this still black and white pre-Tony Soprano World, he takes up the profession of the singer, an Italian baritone, an immigrant of second and Americans the first generation, a Orpheus from the lower class.

Photo: © 2004 Credit: Topham Picture Point police protection for a serious boy: Sinatra followed by his fans

No one has so much educated middle mischief about the culture spread, the was then consumed by workers and small employees, as Theodor W. Adorno. For the Socio philosophers came everything was Pop, from the basement of the late Romantic period, from the minor arts and the great capital. In fact, the pop culture rose in time for the early modernism of the half and underworld up. There were Russian Jewish immigrants who took the American promise literally and opened up their own business.

The wiser makes art

Meyer Lansky was one of them. About his Kosher Nostra of liquor smuggling ran, and as the state’s Alcoholic allowed again and Meyer Lansky and his business dry laid, the godfather devoted himself in a big way the burgeoning cultural industry. He put his money on Las Vegas, the hotel casinos it washed itself. His mistress Connie Francis, she came from an Italian family, brought the mobsters cry when they sang songs such as “Volare”.

The Italian-American colleagues took care of Sinatra, they said before in radio and film, were home record companies and rejoiced when again came in fresh money and social esteem. As the godfather of New Jersey, Gyp DeCarlo, after the murder of a defaulting debtor went to prison, he was pardoned by presidential Richard Nixon – on Sinatra’s request. Innately more Democrat, the singer had turned to the Republicans, after he supported John F. Kennedy during the election campaign, had sung for him and shared with him the women. As to the election campaign funds rumors had arisen also, as ever about the mafia machinations Sinatra, Kennedy had removed bashfully from his Hofsänger.

that the rumors and stories the Mafia and Sinatra remained beyond his death in the dark and are there still the best hands, makes him a pop star even brighter rays. He is the Original Gangsta. Dr. Dre and Jay-Z are its docile spirit children, their marching reports by all business and musical instances are the last fairy tale. From the bottom to the top and from the outer edge to the inner center of society, who wanted to have nothing to do with them. Registered is this narrative that the artistic path of wiser than the criminal.

Every person is worth

Like today in hip-hop, it went to Sinatra’s swing about to arrive in civil life, and not to escape this life, as in rock, punk, or in so-called indie pop, where white men from the middle class ever the sound information. As the gangsta rapper are proud of their arrival at their homes, gardens, women and cars, Sinatra was proud that what had become of him. That the Reagan called him when they needed him, and that he could not afford his tailored suits.

When he during the war years on the radio for the first pop star of this world and of all time rise and teens froze his tracks in the snow in their Eisfächern, wrote the winner an organized fans contest: “We are children who never much attention was approached, but he gave us the feeling to be worth something.. ” The good, old values.

Photo : celebrate picture-alliance / dpa Rats: Frank Sinatra (r.) and Sammy Davies Jr. in 1965 after a film premiere in New York
On the one hand wants no one who has managed the social dregs all the way up, the social cream, so to speak, always listen to where he comes from, and either of Social envious or social romantics sent back to the member become. He wants to not be on the other side but the origin ban. The icon of a blue-eyed Swing singer with hat has been outlined by the triumph of the struggles they were painted.

Pop is democracy

Sinatras trunk and tantrums are legendary as the disassembled bars and the beat reporter. As the civil rights movement with their demands and protests ran through the streets, he moved with Dean Martin to the houses with the sign “brides for all!”. As the rock culture wanted to make him look old, he started his own company, his empire. With 50, in September of his years.

Originally wanted the transition to occur with the Sinatra used to be “The Summit” call. They became the “Rat Pack”. All migrant children who had bitten himself: Italians, Jews and Cubans Las Vegas had taken, on the stage cracking jokes and wet then together in the sauna ausschwitzten their liquor. “Frankie and his cronies,” as the German theatrical comedy “Ocean’s Eleven” called, in which the gangster himself played and made fun about it. Whereby Frankieboy, Sinatra’s nickname, already was a great wit, the coquetry of the serious boy who led the pack rats as godfather. . He was the boss

When he stood on the stage above, he asked his boys, themselves and all who sat in the hall: “How come all the people in my living room? ” And he meant specifically all – or, as he himself liked to say: “All matter what skin color and creed Whether drunk or sober…” Whoever comes from below, makes no difference.

That he fills whole newspaper pages, as eternal Democrat, although he is no longer there, and just because he now would have turned 100 years old, no one would have so amused as Frank Sinatra himself.


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