Friday, December 11, 2015

“Refugees” is the word of the year 2015 – THE WORLD

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“Refugees” is the word of 2015

The German Language Society chose the word of the year 2015th From 2500 proposals, the term has been chosen, which has Germany linguistically determined particularly strong.

 The German Language Society chose the word of the year 2015th From 2500 proposals, the term has been chosen, which has Germany linguistically determined particularly strong

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Photo: AFP ” Refugees “: A term that has the political, economic and social life in 2015 determined linguistically

“refugees” is named word of the year 2015 been. It is deeply rooted in the German word stem and stand for the central theme, the company established for the German Language (GfdS) in Wiesbaden the decision. The jury had chosen a phrase from around 2500 proposals, which has linguistically particularly determines the political, economic and social life of one year.

“Refugees” was also linguistically interesting that GfdS continued. The suffix ling namely, in terms such as “intruder” or “upstart” which finds itself, sword tends disparagingly spoke for sensitive ears. Whether, however, by laws of the recently often used expression Escaped, remains to be seen.

In second place landed “Je suis Charlie”, the worldwide solidarity slogan after the terrorist attack on January 7 on the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris. Ranked three “Grexit” followed. ». The term stands for the question to the jury whether Greece should resign because of its high public debt of the euro zone – and thus for the main topic of the first half of the year

The ranking for the word of the year 2015:

. 1 Refugees

. 2 Je suis Charlie

. 3 Grexit

. 4 Selektorenliste

. 5 Cheat engine

. 6 by waving

. 7 Selfie Bar

. 8 Cheat-WM

. 9 Flexitarians

10th We can do it!

2014 was the 2014 was the Berlin “light limit” Fall of the Wall anniversary the word of the year. The linguistic spirit of the times had in previous years, the abbreviation GroKo (2013), the rescue routine (2012) and the stress test (2011) hit.

The words of the year the past few years at a glance:

– 2014: light limit

– 2013: GroKo

– 2012: Rescue Routine

– 2011: Stress Test

– 2010: Wutbürger

– 2009: scrappage scheme

– 2008: Financial Crisis

– 2007: climate catastrophe

– 2006: Fanmeile

– 2005: Chancellor

– 2004: Hartz IV

That means” youth word of the year “

              The Langenscheidt publishing the word “Smombie” has determined to “youth word of the year”. . This means the neologism, which should be particularly popular among the young generation Source: The World


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