Friday, December 11, 2015

Dschungelcamp 2016 Candidates: These “stars” are – THE WORLD

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“Star ‘duty system for Dschungelcamp 10 is completely

On January 15, 2016, the jungle camp starts again with many nasty games. Allegedly are fixed the eleven residents. The last two places to go on a “GNTM” model and a former talk show host.

 On January 15, 2016, the jungle camp starts again with many nasty games. Allegedly are fixed the eleven residents. The last two places to go on a “GNTM” model and a former talk show host

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Photo: picture alliance These three ladies ride allegedly with the jungle camp: Red Light Queen Sophia Wollersheim,” Celebrity Big Brother “-Gewinnerin Jenny Elvers and ex- “GNTM” -Zicke Nathalie people (from left)

The countdown has begun: On January 15, 2016 is RTL again “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!”. And the occupation of the now tenth edition of the jungle camps seems completely. According to a report of the “Bild” newspaper the camp team with eleven B-, C- and D-celebrities is now complete.

The last two spaces go loud “image” accordingly to the Ex-talk show host Ricky Harris and “GNTM” -Zicke Nathalie people.

Photo: picture-alliance / dpa So you knew Ricky Harris. After the end of his talk show he was seen barely on TV

In the 9th season of the model show Heidi Klum attended the ambitious 18- Perennial for blasphemous estates and envy among fellow. She ended up in fourth place.

The American Harris was in 1999 with the Sat.1 talk show “Ricky” known. The show, however, was discontinued a year later because of poor odds. Since then, the 53-year-old addition to Sophia Wollersheim (28), wife of red king Bert Wollersheim, actor Rolf Zacher works at a teleshopping channel, and as a lifeguard.

( 74), pop singer Gunter Gabriel (73), actress Jenny Elvers (43), ex-professional football player Thorsten Legat (47), “DSDS” -Dauerkandidat Menderes Bagci (31) Soap actor Daniel Ortega Arenas (30) and TV-lawyer Helena Prince (41) move into the Australian jungle.

actress Jenny Elvers is alleged to have knocked out a record deal and thus be the highest-paid Camperin all finalized seasons. Your Gage is said to have pushed the salary top-ten list of the current record holder Brigitte Nielsen even then with 150,000 euros. Whether this is true is unclear, because according to “Bild” newspaper could reportedly singer Gunter Gabriel negotiate a fee of 300,000 euros.

An official confirmation the inhabitants (or even their pay), there are not so far from RTL. Really the only certainty is the participation of ex-jungle queen Brigitte Nielsen. The 52-year-old won the Summer Camp and so won their jungle place.


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