Could not raise the profile of the “Focus” as desired: the outgoing Editor in Chief Jörg Quoos
In the house Burda there is a surprising Personnel: Jörg Quoos are his post off as “Focus” editor in chief on October 1, his successor Ulrich Reitz, who most recently as chief editor WAZ worked. That one at the “Focus” separates in strife, shows clear message from Burda. “Jörg Quoos and the company have different views regarding the future direction of the magazine,” it says. Ulrich Reitz kick “with the order to continue the successful chosen course and to raise the profile of the magazine as opinion-voice.”
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This describes what is Quoos in the eyes of Burda apparently not succeeded in the past two months – the to place “Focus” as a mark again as it is the beginning of the nineties and in the time it succeeded in founding the magazine. The “Focus” is suffering from a decline in circulation and no longer draws for some time the attention that needs a magazine that wants to compete with “Spiegel” and “Stern”. In the current quarter, however, Burda announced’m a “turnaround brought about in the overlay development”, this would show the ABC figures in September.
However, the outgoing editor in chief praise bestowed. “The merits of Jörg Quoos to the renewal of our news magazine are enormous,” the Burda CEO Philipp Welte said. We thank him “for his excellent work,” Ulrich Reitz find “best conditions. From him we expect to further developing our magazine in social discourse. He is a renowned and experienced journalist, carrying the, Focus’ DNA in it. “
War until May chief editor of the “Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”: the future “Focus” editor in chief Ulrich Reitz
War until May chief editor of the “Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”: the future “Focus” editor in chief Ulrich Reitz
The new editor in chief knows the “Focus”. He was one of the founding team of the magazine until 1997, he headed its editorial Parliament in Bonn. After that, he was chief editor of the “Rheinische Post”, 2005, the “Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung”. A post he held until May of this year. He had to go, after he had made an extensive reform of the regional newspaper business of WAZ. Jörg Quoos was before he joined as chief editor for “Focus”, deputy editor of the newspaper “Bild”.
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