Sunday, March 20, 2016

Media: Absolutely fantastic – ABC Online

Monday , 03.21.2016, 00:01
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Many top managers of a large company has fallen in recent years in the criticism or had to give up his job. A report now shows what has happened to some of them

In recent years, there have been so many crises in German companies and associations -. It is now Volkswagen (VW) , the German Football Association (DFB) or the automobile Association ADAC. They ended all with the withdrawal of the chairman or president.

It looks like the inside of such manager and under what immense pressure they are, which will show the documentary “Absolutely fantastic” that this Monday (22:45 ) can be seen in the first program of the ARD.

“top executives at the limit” is the subtitle, and at the beginning you can see a man in the elevator on the way up. Thus it is shown: it is lonely at the top – top executives love the mountains, the peaks stand as a metaphor for the winner. Weakness applies as a flaw – and can only to job and then even lead to loss of control. Many managers are completely determined by others at the top, pressure is perceived as a threat, it is defined by the company. Often uses Realitätsverlust a according to the motto: “Do not I need the company, the company needs me.” Wins are considered fuel, defeats at best as a sort of coaching. the question remains: Enduring instead alighting

The author Tina Soliman (49) has many features for the ZDF series rotated “37 degrees” and is characterized in its most recent film portraits not of a number of managers who are (? always voluntary) have opted for the exit. Herbert Henzler (74, ex-head of Europe at McKinsey) is regarded by many because of countless layoffs as enemy character and was severely threatened. He says in the film: “weaknesses must not admit. So the culture. And if you do not know even know where it’s at, or loses control, then we will replace “

Rüdiger Striemer (48) was almost 40 at the top and the very end. He could not control more pretending that he had long since lost. The consequences: anxiety attacks, dizziness, headache as a hood on his head, lurking panic to dread. The diagnosis: panic disorder and major depressive episode. Therapy:. Psycho Clinic in Brandenburg forest, without cell phone

Sattelberger (56, ex-staff chief for Daimler Benz, Lufthansa and Telekom) brings it to the point: “Rebellion or compromise. Only those who clearly positioned itself which make it to the top of the turbo-capitalism. “He had his only after the end of his last jobs coming out as a homosexual. He had the fear of being hurt, and that it would be considered important substantive issues through a different spectacle. He wanted to protect them, not to be taken seriously as a gay, he says. About his experience he has – like Rüdiger Striemer -. A book written

The Austrian Brigitte Ederer (60, former personnel director of Siemens) comes from a humble background (his mother was cleaning lady), was national director of the Social Democrats of the country and economic councilor of Vienna. She says that they have always been very burdened the loss of jobs – what they (and others) did not stop to operate selfsame -., And that they now want to encourage especially young women with the help of the odd

Tina Soliman is largely relaxed acting protagonists who sit in their homes or on the beach and tell. But is to feel that you still deeply infected the experience in the bones. All have vexed the question: How do I deal with power? May I show emotions and weaknesses? And all has exactly largely made ready – and the elevator went quickly down


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