Monday, March 21, 2016

10 years Twitter: The good Tweet grazes alone – ZEIT ONLINE

Much better soon. For hours playing bands cause the audience often hip and back pain. Too long a nap leads to unpleasant Duseligkeit. And many speeches at events could be cut to four, five sets, without affecting the content of the presentation relevant. In long letters often are things that are oversubscribed uncomfortable or unrealistic. With postcards, however so far hardly anyone has done something wrong. And also a Tweet usually only reaches top form if he is not overused.

For the tenth anniversary of the short message platform Twitter their chief Jack Dorsey has now announced that the 140-character limit of tweets is not canceled. The greatest fear of those who saw already come a second Facebook, will not meet the time being. The Twitterer had successfully revolted and can now take your finger away from the Caps Lock key. #zumglueck

But why should such an outcry when it was announced, Twitter would eventually expand its character limit to 10,000 characters? Otherwise want the Internet users but also always everything he can have. Let’s put it this way: Twitterers are special. They love each of 140 characters that are available to them. They can be shortcuts and paths come to quite squeeze the complex interrelationships in a tweet. Especially in Germany, Twitter initially established primarily as a service for those people who appreciated fast, concise, and above all humorous communication. Some of them tweet today. We sometimes hear of draft documents in Word, in which Tweets are composed and must mature for a while before they are sent to the public. The tweet as #Kunstform.

makes Whether the rapper Kanye West are so concerned about its effusions into chunks, may be doubted. His tweets often resemble the hiccups lost emotions, knee-jerk statements from the hands of a multimillionaire. But Kanye West knows a good Tweet stands alone, he comes out with 140 characters and will not want to either. On the web of opportunity the Tweet is a form of digital moderation, which does not automatically mean even if West that the content is not bursting itself against overconfidence, but there are at least as regards the place, satisfied with a small garden. A true landscape architect can perform miracles here.

And this frugality is in power now a rare virtue. Everyone has clicked the Unfollow button when Twitterer is expressed in tirades kilometer long ballerten Tweet Tweet for every second in the timeline. These people connect their Tweet novel fragments (1) to make with numbers to give to understand the average Joe reader (2) that it (3) between the individual tweets a link is here (4) – many this Tweet outbreaks could also tweet your pocket. And you look every time asks again: Why choose one a shoe him three sizes too small? Because Twitter is not a good place for substantive discussions and reflected, profound debate, but a good place for the poetry of conciseness.

The good Tweet is not a herd animal, he grazes alone. He is satisfied. Moreover, he polished restraint and dispensed #Laberei. Too much punctuation and capital letters are repugnant to him. Brevity is its elegance. He is one, but not the only form of decency in digital Knigge. One rarely dominates him immediately. That leaves impatient people who register new to Twitter, often despair: “I do not understand.” This is not so bad, maybe it simply does not belong here. On Twitter meets especially those who appreciate brevity.

And Twitter has always lived from the creation of meaning by its users. The establishment of the company was primarily an attempt to cap molding: 140 characters, more are not. The user consented. People like rules, even if they hate to admit it. And because short sentences are recognized just quickly, applies on Twitter: I recognize you. Twitter users follow each other, because you than on other platforms a sense of the humor of the other gets faster, the nuances that you do not have from 500 lines klauben drivel.

The fact that Jack Dorsey now decided against an expansion of the 140-character limit, is courageous. But Fits on Twitter. Where any vehicle must, in the network of opportunity, a place does well, where there is at least one rule: This far and no further than 140 characters.


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