Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sorry, Charlie Brown – The World

Minnesota is one of the northern states of America; most of its approximately five million inhabitants are from Sweden , Norwegians and Germans from. According lutheranisch it comes to in Minnesota. The men look at each other while talking never in the eye and deny all the conversations with “You bet,” Whatever “and” It’s different “.

The kitchen has . not worth further mention of the landscape as the climate are siberian Nevertheless -. or perhaps because of – the state of Minnesota has done three significant contributions to the culture of mankind

First, as Bob Dylan and his songs Second Garrison Keillor and his radio show.” A Prairie Home Companion “(who she does not know yet: please Googling). Third, Charles M. Schulz was born in Minneapolis and grew up in the next door located St. Paul on – and somehow also plays “Peanuts” there, his famous comic strip, which appeared for 50 years every day in the newspaper

The neurotic. , strange unfilial, ill-fated children, who inhabit it – the shy Charlie Brown, the black-haired Lucy, who tortures him with uninvited advice, little Linus with his security blanket, the piano genius Schroeder, who cares only for Beethoven, the freckled Peppermint Patty, who is in love with Charlie Brown – are in any case all clear inhabitants of this state. The animals anyway: So Snoopy, an intelligent Beagle who dreams that he is a Fliegeras in World War I, and his best friend Woodstock, a small yellow bird

Schulz died in 2000 – now a three-dimensional animated film comes to the cinema , whose screenplay from the son and the grandson of Charles Schulz originates. The film begins with the fact that Charlie Brown trying to fly a kite and grandiose fails with it, because (as any connoisseur of comic strips knows) there in Charlie Brown’s universe a treacherous tree dragon eats.

Shortly thereafter, the little red-haired girl in Charlie Brown’s life, in which he fell in love up to his jug ears occurs; This is probably the first moment, howling in the purists, because in the comic strips we get the girl never to face.

Lucy gives Charlie Brown a book, which says that it needs to develop a healthy self-confidence; So he decides to shine in front of his beloved. Like a fairy tale, he must pass three tests: First, he wants to appear as a magician at a talent show at school. Then he wants to prove himself as a dashing dancer, and the dog Snoopy teaches him some cool dance moves. Finally, it should along with the red-haired girl – that is, however, out of town for the weekend -. Write an essay on a reading experience and chooses as the theme of all Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”

Of course, Charlie Brown fails every time level. He makes himself before the assembled school team a fool to save his little sister before Ausgebuhtwerden. He slides out while dancing exerting the sprinkler for spraying, so that all wet. He manages although with great difficulty, read Tolstoy tome and to write an essay about it – but the precious document gets into the rotor of a model aircraft and is shredded into a thousand pieces

At the end then it turns out also that Charlie Brown scored only accidentally the highest grade in an examination (for he has the wrong test signed). Charlie Brown is so disgraced on whole level. But the little red-haired girl like him anyway, because they have good heart recognizes in all the failure, and promises that it will write to him.

It is really nothing wrong with this 3-D movie. The neurotic children of Charles M. Schulz be awakened by the computer animation very nice to live. There are tremendously funny moments; it’s a great idea that adults exist, but only as voices from the off, always give the same text by itself, namely: “Blah, blah, blah.”

Yet interfere or lacking something. Some American film critics thought that disturbing element are the action sequences that stretch as subplot in the film: Snoopy sitting on his doghouse, as though she were an airplane, chasing through the clouds to the “Red Baron” afterwards and so acquires the love of a lady dog named Fifi. But that’s not it; The action scenes are quite alright. The problem lies deeper, it is structurally.

The son and grandson of Charles M. Schulz had a story with a beginning, a middle and an Final invent, to create a film that fills an entire evening at the cinema. And they had to of course also a classic happy ending imagine.

But nothing could the universe that has created Schulz, to be foreign. It’s a bit as if a director to bring a version of “Waiting for Godot” at the stage in which Godot finally actually yet to come. In the world of “Peanuts” there is basically no salvation, not even a denouement (resolution); the misfortune lasts forever, the unhappy love well, the precocious Lucy issued unsolicited advice, and Schroeder is playing on his tiny wings to Beethoven. How could it be otherwise in a comic strip, who hails from Minnesota?


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