Sunday, July 3, 2016

Klagenfurt – Bachmann Prize for Sharon Otoo Dodua – Frankfurter Rundschau

03 July 2016

Stefanie Sargnagel (Audience Award), Sharon Dodua Otoo (Bachmann Prize, before her the ten-kilo trophy), Julia Wolf (3sat Prize), Dieter Zwicky (Kelag Prize). Photo: dpa

The Briton Sharon Dodua Otoo wins the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for her text “Mr Gröttrup sits down” in any case polyphonic Klagenfurt competition

most Britons goes winning these days not slight of hand, Sharon Otoo Dodua but already. For their text “Mr Gröttrup sits down” she got on Sunday in Klagenfurt at the 40th Festival of German literature the 25,000 Euro Ingeborg Bachmann Prize presented.

A joke that has it all: Irmi and Helmut Gröttrup prepare the breakfast table who looks up, will pay attention to the first of Wernher von Braun, later working in the Soviet Union missile expert and his apparent entered with an autobiography woman. In fact, it is for the time being too conservative-German. The scandal of the morning: The egg is – become not hard

Now you can see in a dollen, narrative quite casual, but not sloppy shift in perspective that – despite the accurate planning of experienced engineer. it was even the egg which the Lord Gröttrup cheat beat the egg, “the dare to be even more softly”. Because suddenly, the story of the breakfast table only to the egg zooms in, then the universe, in which the current egg-soul from its past and future states reported – in 1862 as the epicenter of the earthquake of Accra, in 2015 as a red carpet, through the Robert Mugabe will stumble. Because a classic being alive with its imagery and sensations not belonged – and as soon there will be nothing so, guess the naughty egg – the egg soul is indifferent to the mischievous and melancholy nature of the unborn

“days of German-Language literature 2016″: the winners

of Loriot “the Breakfast” via a hidden history lesson for souls, that’s a lot. The part way, which one in German falls to the nerves (the difficult-to-follow instructions for viewing), gaining momentum when imagines him in English, as indeed the bizarre and meticulous in English humor involved this time and shows how German-speaking literature is enlivened by each side by new influences.

Otoo was born in 1972 in London as the daughter of ghanaian-British parents, has lived in Berlin since 2006, has published in English and German, has been better known as a feminist journalist and as an activist, about the initiative of Black people in Germany. Wonderful, enviable as enjoyable and drove their literary competition entry is. Did she want to try too? Truly a winner.

Ulkig that one tends in Germany, the doggedly to complain Exact itself. The Swiss Dieter Zwicky, born in Zurich in 1957, it drilled so by his loopy prose “Los Alamos is tiny,” for which there was endowed with EUR 10 000 Kelag Prize. A comical piece, which, all developed from and the language like out, nevertheless rampant as cancer (cancer of the tongue!), The narrator “defeated”, he emphasizes repeatedly. From a “Reduce”, a “Saumseligkeitskünstler” said juror Meike Feßmann and named Kafka, Robert Walser and Wilhelm Genazino as references. Whereby editors may well hear also the proofreader, as the Zwicky some extra money creates, namely the subtle Kleinklein thinkers.

The Eigendymamik the jury vote, brave democrats shudder because recently, was strong again this year. Especially since it even a few meager, but gave some interesting pieces, yet no clear best. An extremely varied round, while still in predominantly medium tone. Possible favorites mendelten out and came in the way. This led some to the fact that the Berlin-based wholesale Gerauerin Julia Wolf was indeed highly praised for its beautifully crafted, so to speak, entirely literary novel excerpt, but then the third, the 3sat Prize (7000 Euro) to be content had to take. “Walter Nowak remains lying” is an intense, Intricately chiselled, also beautiful common approach to the emotional life of a man who falls in his seventies to the mid-life crisis and while attempting a shark liable Beautiful nachzuschwimmen evil against the pelvic wall dotzt. From the top of a 1980-born author itself a power to a change against as always numerous representatives confessional and autobiographical texts.

So the crafty entertaining, almost routine, from a depression break narrative contribution of popular Austrian blogger Stefanie Sargnagel. She had been told by local media early for a favorite and came to low Bled Jury discussion at the end not even shortlisted. But they won the Audience Award and was wearing sunglasses and Dicker Thumb gesture a little huff (or theatrical liverwurst-player).

Is it now a matter of course that a British woman successfully participates in the Bachmann-reading competition? Yes, already. Broad and polyphonic was the selection, seven women, seven men born from 1944 to 1988, from different backgrounds and with different approaches to the German language. Sometimes that has consequences, sometimes not. The “immigration conditions in the language” (Meike Feßmann) played a role in some cases. Israeli Tomer Gardi, born in 1974, writes for a longer stay in Berlin in German. But is the “Broken German” to a clever text a thoroughly sophisticated art German, or at least a random faulty? Is it shooting or a disadvantage that it is less or other “mistake” made when reading? Had probably like to ask him a few sentences to speak freely in order to orient themselves on the state of his language skills? So that is not possible, of course,

What else happened. Marco Dinic, born in Vienna in 1988, grew up in Belgrade, sang very well during his lecture. One text, so angry and at the same time ground is directed against nationalistic propaganda and brutal fathers that he wrongly – ran in prices empty – and narrowly. And Birth Jan Snela, 1980 in Munich, failed largely with a yet gerückten quite rapidly in Pegida-close to the Jury Chairman Hubert Winkels, highly original Karl May parody “Arabs and jackals”, which was a shame and unexpectedly violent documented that Charles Mays is over. Indeed Juror Klaus Kastberger stopped in detail on the fact that Karl May had known not seen what he described that he was a complete scam. Here, the jury had no such pleasure that Snelas apparently corresponded hardworking around Googling the Abkupfertechnik of the prototype charmingly. If a jury does not want to play, they do not want



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