Sunday, July 31, 2016

Theater: Harry Potter celebrates stage premiere in London – ABC Online

Sunday , 07.31.2016, 14:55
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Can the success of also bring novel and film heroes Harry Potter on stage? Be sure to find the creators of the play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, which now had in London Premiere. Even the script book came in the bookstores

-. “Love Passengers, please turn now from your cell phones, we are ready to go with,” reads the announcement before the show the first part of “Harry Potter and the Cursed child” (Harry Potter and the haunted child). And hey presto, the spectators are on Railway Track nine three quarters.

There, the train leaves the magic school Hogwarts. Not only, but especially twentysomethings fill in the previews the hall – the so-called Potter generation. Some wearing Hogwarts robes, other Gryffindor scarves or Time Turner chains. There are fans in their element, ready to be charmed total nearly five hours at the Palace Theatre in London. At the premiere on Saturday, especially friends and families of the protagonists were there loaded.

Even Potter author JK Rowling is on Saturday on the red carpet. she was Delighted about the fans, Rowling let it be known that left little penetrate through the contents to the outside despite numerous previews. “. This is the most extraordinary kind of fans one” all Potter fans who have no opportunity to see the play in London, be first must be satisfied with the script book. The English version was released in the night from Saturday to Sunday

the action of the play begins where the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter novels ends. Harry Potter’s best friends, Hermione and Ron are now married. The aspiring Hermione has made it to the magic-Minister. Harry (Jamie Parker) is a revised official at the Ministry of Magic, married to Ron’s sister Ginny (Poppy Miller).

For their son Albus Severus (Sam Clemmett) Harry has a difficult relationship. Albus suffers from the high pressure of expectation that comes the glory of his father with him. Much to the displeasure of his father, he befriends with Scorpius Malfoy (Anthony Boyle), the son of Harry’s former adversary Draco.

In order to prove himself, Albus wants to correct an alleged error of his father using a time travel. Here but he and Scorpius do more damage than they make up. Thus begins Harry’s mysterious scar after 19 years again to ache, it plagued him nightmares from Arch Villain Lord Voldemort. What follows is a turbulent race through time. Back and forth, with different scenarios, depending on how the past is changed.

The production continues the elaborate special effects of movies. “It exceeds all my expectations, it’s just incredible,” spectator Maddie Purver had said in one of the previews. “This must be magic!” Not only do they wonder: How did they do that? Take time as several people disappear on stage in telephone boxes, brooms flying through the air, there are slow-motion magic duels à la Matrix and souls sucking Dementors come to the public eerily close.

effects on the reader the script book must renounce – and actually reading is more difficult than in the novels. True Potter fans, however, will leave them barely hold. Hundreds bookstores have opened in Britain overnight and were well attended, the Internet retailer Amazon the book in several countries is already number one on the bestseller list. German-speaking Potter fans will have to wait until September 24 on a translated version of

The bottom line:. The magic of Harry Potter seems to work not only in the novel and on the canvas, but also excellent on stage and even in the script.


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