Friday, July 22, 2016

Yeneroglu extorted presenter: Expert Explains Why Illner the brazen … – ABC Online

Friday, 07.22.2016, 13:49 · FOCUS-Online-author Ida Haltaufderheide
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It was a turbulent mission for Maybrit Illner. In political talk about “Erdogan revenge – Turkey is still a partner,” threatened the experienced ZDF presenter to fall to fishtail. The theme of the evening seemed to be “every man for himself” – and one of their six guests made especially Illner life difficult: the ACP MPs Mustafa Yeneroglu

<. p> After about 40 minutes, the set, brought the presenter in distress fell: “If you do not let me talk now, I go,” threatened ACP man Yeneroglu his hostess. The had already given him ample opportunity to describe the coup-night in Ankara, in his view.

It was a blackmail attempt, a sentence that does not allow discussion and clearly makes a dangerous claim to power. But Illner responded to the threat left. She replied: “. You must not go, I wanted to ask you a question,” If they have to throw the ACP man immediately “taken aggression out of the situation”

media researcher Lutz Frühbrodt of the University of Würzburg provides such drastic reactions critical. “I think Maybrit Illner has very charming and calmly responded, because they took unnecessary aggression from the situation,” he said FOCUS Online.

“In talk shows guests have repeatedly times threatened the studio leave, there have then but not dared because they simply look bad, “he recalls. “In this case, that would have been perhaps even abused for propaganda purposes. So it was good so, how did it go ultimately. “

That Yeneroglu would be staged after being thrown out as a victim, in view of his appearance on the show not unlikely. Although he had even the talc-round may open, the Erdogan confidant obviously felt chronically deprived. For his part, he fell in the debate his interlocutors aggressively into word

Heated debate

Even after ten minutes it was therefore the first controversy erupted. Journalist Deniz Yücel was annoyed constant of Yeneroglus interruptions. “I’m off,” he spat in his direction. It should be an uncomfortable evening.

The debate grew heated, the guests responded thin-skinned to criticism, the tone was sharp. And in the middle sat a presenter who seemed increasingly to lose control

Illner had put considerable problems at all to have their say. They moderated their guests were arguing just continue. “Mrs. Illner might have to call the debaters individually to reason,” says media expert Frühbrodt. “Such a thing but also acts quickly pedantic.” On the whole, they have therefore done everything right.

Still, it hurt mitanzusehen some viewers as Yeneroglu the presenter was concerned. As Illner asked the AKP deputies, if at all unless criticism of Erdogan possible, he replied: “Mrs. Illner, you have but by the Turkish situation no idea. I’m sorry that I reproach you now the “

And Illner -. Let the him get away. The otherwise sovereign and knowledgeable presenter put this attack on their competence a simple. Their only counterattack was something pointed remark: “Shall I go now? That’s not entertainment, right? “

3.8 million viewers

It was the last mission before the five-week summer break. Illner heated Turkey Talk tied after all, more than 3.8 million viewers and reached its highest market share since the resignation of German President Christian Wulff.

“A mutual yell was through the steep theses that the participants in Debut were preceded by almost programmed, “says media researcher Frühbrodt. “But this is not the intention of the creators purpose of such a transmission format?”

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