Monday, April 4, 2016

“Who to Be a Millionaire”: Aldi Student crashes at Jauch from – NEWS



 Monday 04 April 2016


  From Nina Jerzy


 Pech and incapacity: Two candidates go to “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” with only 500 euros back home. But only for one does Günther Jauch really sorry. Nico Kubach crashes when 125,000-euro question. The successor talks a lot, do it very little.



losers are at “Millionaire?” not necessarily cut from the same wood. In a rare coincidence both candidates fell back to 500 euros on Monday evening. By the One not only Jauch suffered with clearly where others the shrugging taken-found fit wonderful for appearance. Maas-suits? The 7th leg of the fruit? Klaro why

It was not. Millionaire

Och, Mr Jauch:

Kubach phone Joker Katharina Breuckmann is radiologist. Jauch: “Then they must indeed have to see through.”

Jauch heading “How unfair is the world”

According to the regulations have the tennis ladies not only as the men entitled to a toilet break. You may also take a break to change clothes

Also unlucky for Jauch-Double:.

In April 2005, viewers could see double , The booking for company parties Jauch-Double Andreas Scholz finally managed on the hot seat. But he had also bad luck and fell in the tenth question.

But let’s start with the otherwise sad story of the evening. Overhang candidate Nico Kubach had over hand in the past week with a good dose of luck to 16,000 euros. For nervous candidates a break between performances is sometimes a good thing. So apparently also for the 26-year-old who works in the dual studies as a regional sales manager at Aldi Süd. The question of when the next time like New Year 2016 falls on a Friday, Kubach led her very confidently and answered correctly with 2021. Subsequently helped a joker from the audience. Then came the fateful question for 125,000 euros.

“I think that is not so realistic”

“Who let himself in 1783 patented a process for the production of carbonated mineral water? A) Jean Perrie, B) Juan Fant, C) Jack Peps, D) Jacob Schweppe “. “I am again unfortunately clueless,” said the candidate. A very nice presenter gave the insightful statement that yes in any reply, a letter is missing to a known beverage brand. “Schweppenburg as name in the 18th century I think is not so realistic”

After the 50th / 50th Joker Schweppenburg and Perrie remained: For reasons unknown to Kubach but stiffened at the view.. Almost might assume, the candidate had forgotten that he would fall back to 500 and not on 16,000 euros thanks to the risk variant with a fourth Joker for an incorrect answer. Or perhaps to Kubach was just very sure when he just decided said “Herr Jauch, I think Schweppenburg for a last name that is surely meant well, but … I risk that Mr Jauch” and A einloggte. With a moment of shock delay the student then suggested horrified hands on his head, as Jauch had to announce to 500 Euro him the harsh crash.

Perhaps it was because only cosmic justice that the second candidate not earned more money , Alexander Trebing is 38 years old, a freelance artist ( “I am very flexible”) and bartender. The latter is probably his urge to speak very well. What he, however, with its customers has so? Probably not about politics.

At the 7th leg of the fruit fly!

In the 300-euro question is Trebing that the partner of the Federal President surnamed well Schadt could deduce thanks to the answers, should read. At 4,000 euros went again to one of the highest-ranking politician in the country. “The title ‘Bestangezogener man in Germany” owes the Federal Minister of Justice speak his …: A) Aiden Tie, B) Disinger shoes C) Maas suits, D) Kasch Mier coats Now I can only imagine that the “.” Maas suits are due to a designer who Maas called, “said the jovial candidate. Jauch toppled down an eyelid. After 50/50 joker suits and ties remained.” What did you think because my first thought? “asked Trebing the moderator.” interesting, “Jauch said with the expression of a man who has simply been too often disappointed by humanity.

More about

Trebing chose the Maas-suits and was completely clueless even after the resolution when it came to the name of the German Minister of Justice. In the next few minutes it became clear: This mission made Jauch simply no fun. Not even smugly liked the moderator in the face of unbridled, but quite insightful poor speech gush of his candidates.

The staying strategy “Close your eyes and” was fortunately in the 16,000-euro question to an end. And what for one. “What scientists believe – as was recently made public – to have discovered strong evidence” On the 8th dwarf in Snow White castle Trebing immediately confidently and verbosely, as well as the correct 9th planet in the solar system. For reasons that only he could understand, the artist chose the 7th leg of the fruit. “Not cool. In any case, not cool”, the candidate commented on the output. A word of truth in the end.




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