Monday, April 4, 2016

TV column “hard but fair”: Beckstein NSU investigations: “Of course there … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 05.04.2016, 12:46 · FOCUS editor Beate Strobel
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After “How dangerous is the right-wing violence”: ARD film about the victims of NSU invites frank plasberg at “hard but fair” for TV court date is the theme. The only man in the dock. Günther Beckstein, Interior Minister

Halit Yozgat, born in Kassel, was on 6 April 2006, ie almost exactly ten years, murdered. Two targeted shots to the head ended his life. Halit Yozgat was only 21 years old. He was the ninth victim of the so-called NSU murders.

The complicity of the secret

Criminal Lawyer Thomas Bliwier represents in years-long trial NSU bride Beate Zschäpe parents of halite. Bliwier is not a person who losbrüllt quickly. Also, no one who judges rashly. But now, as a guest on “hard but fair” and vis-à-vis the former Bavarian Interior Minister Günther Beckstein, he fires allegations off like a machine gun: The Protection of the Constitution had been involved since 1998 on V-people actively in establishing the NSU. He knew from the outset what happens there. And have therefore helped the NSU murders were ever became possible only between 2000 and 2006. “All the people could still live,” Bliwier says not loud, but very forcefully.

About the Looking for and not finding

The protection of the constitution, so Bliwier, have prevented the police their could do investigative work. The radicalization of the NSU cell was largely carried out by undercover agents. Protection of the Constitution have disconnected from a social debate. All this is strong stuff – and poses a clear challenge toward the plodding NSU process: “If that is not worked and no political consequences, then one can look far. Then you will not find anything. “, So Bliwier

” Hart aber fair “is this evening no talk show, but almost a tribunal: NSU victims or their representatives to the state. Representing the Determined border authorities themselves CSU politician Günther Beckstein, Bavarian interior minister dared to 2007 to the table what Plasberg honors more than once approvingly. Beckstein fighting on long losing battle.

prejudged as “doner murders”

“Is xenophobic background conceivable?” Beckstein had in 2000 at the edge of a newspaper article about the murder of the florist Simsek wrote. A thought which was, however, appear to have pursued in the context of investigations by the police and secret service. Quick got the deeds nicknamed “doner murders” and “serial murders Bosporus”. We determined in all directions -. Just not to the right

“Of course there are some failures,” Beckstein admits in “tough but fair” one. Failure – no blind spots? Becksteins list, all of which may have gone wrong, hurt everyone who has ever believed in a functioning police system and an impartial constitutional protection in Germany.

Help from Turkey

His justifications sound helpless in the face of accusations that Bliwier provides masse. In the top you have but 150 officials involved in the investigation, says Beckstein entered visible. And even that Turkish police had been used. What knowledge but the colleagues could contribute from the Bosphorus on xenophobic backgrounds of crime in Germany?

Do not scream loud enough?

Almost touching looking Meral Sahin that the nail bombing witnessed 2004 in Cologne Keupstraße, blame themselves. The fact that the stop has a xenophobic background, she had suspected early. But: “I did not scream loud enough. People trust too much of the judiciary, the police, “says Sahin. “This is fatal.” The police, your friend and helper? Worse, the evidence of the investigating officers did not fail

insults, assaults, arson attacks. The violence of the right has increased again by the movement of refugees by 2015. Also by citizens who have so far been noticed in any way. “This thinking has arrived in the middle of society,” says Thomas Mücke, who works as a teacher, both with young neo-Nazis as well as Islamists. Given the lessons of the case NSU is true that in terms of law enforcement and jurisprudence not confident

In the video:. NSU Trial – Zschäpe breaks her silence and shifts the blame from himself

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