Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Satire affair to Jan Böhmermann: Everything just invented – Handelsblatt

Böhmermann and Erdogan say Turks in Germany the fall Böhmermann

Berlin What is satire and what is not, is not easy to find out these days. Now confused the editor of Bild, Kai Diekmann, the network world with an alleged interview that he should have done with the ZDF-Moderator Jan Böhmermann. The interview he published this morning on his Facebook page with the announcement “Jan Böhmermann breaks his silence!” Böhmermann supposed to have said about the affair to be libelous poem, among other things: “I did everything right.”

only an hour later it becomes clear: It’s all invented. Diekmann broke up the confusion. The Image Editor posted on his Facebook and his Twitter page: “I say it once in the words of the false Böhmermann:” The whole life is satire. ! You just have to recognize “Axel Springer Verlag informed about Diekmanns action:” Kai Diekmann has just today tweeted a comment on his Facebook Post Morning. Moreover, we have nothing to add “

Böhmermann and Erdogan . a gag in court

the criminal complaint against Jan Böhmermann before the prosecutor Mainz Turkish President pulls a satirical post before Dish. The output is unclear – and could be decided by the Constitutional Court more …

Böhmermann had recently retired from the public.. The production company btf GmbH had canceled the upcoming show “Neo Magazine Royale” on Tuesday. be “massive public pressure” The reason. Meanwhile the Böhmermann is under police protection.

Böhmermann had the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan offended in a poem which he had announced in his mission “Neo Magazine Royale” as “defamatory”. Turkey had followed the Federal Government requests under Section 103 of the Criminal Code against the satirist proceed. This insulting foreign heads of state is punishable. However, this requires the consent of the Federal Government. The decision to be announced in the coming days. At the same time Erdogan had asked for libel on Monday in Mainz as a private person a criminal complaint. The application may be pursued independently of the decision in Berlin on the request for prosecution of Turkey.

In the meantime, more and more artists in solidarity with the ZDF-satirist. In an open letter, the weekly newspaper published “Time” on Thursday in its latest issue, find numerous artists supportive words. The signatories include, among others Thea Dorn, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Igor Levit, Jan Josef Liefers, Peter Lohmeyer and Katja Riemann. They call on the Mainz prosecutor to discontinue its investigation without delay. “Discussions about and criticism to Jan Böhmer’s Erdoğan poem belong to the cultural pages of the country and not in a courtroom in Mainz,” they write. It is the task of art and satire to spark public discourse. The artist also called for the paragraph 103 should be deleted from the Criminal Code.


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