Monday, April 4, 2016

“Schwabing Art Fund”: exhibitions in Bonn and Bern show artworks from … – ABC Online

Monday, 04.04.2016, 17:32
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The interest is likely to be huge : works from the controversial Gurlitt collection to be shown in two exhibitions. The concrete concepts are developed in the coming months.

art from the estate of controversial collector Cornelius Gurlitt to be shown in the coming winter in simultaneous exhibitions in Bonn and in Bern.

the joint project will present the current state of research on “Schwabing art treasure” and contribute to transparency, the Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonn and the Kunstmuseum in Bern announced on Monday in a joint release.

Gurlitt father was Nazi art dealers

“This comprehensive work documentation will be presented to the general public and accompanied by a historical-scientific contextualization”, it stated. The exhibitions should be content coordinated. For both structures would work closely together.

The Bonn exhibition will also help to find more information about outstanding provenances of works from the collection. Also will be reminded of the fate of the persecuted by the Nazis art collectors and their collections.

Gurlitt’s father Hildebrand was one of the most important art dealer of the Nazis. Therefore, there is a suspicion that some pieces of his collection might be looted art. However, a task force was able to clearly demonstrate Nazi injustice only in five cases. Two of these pictures – Max Liebermann’s “Two Riders on the beach” and the “Seated Woman” by Henri Matisse – have now been handed over to the rightful heirs

Exhibition to 2017 come to Berlin

the Art and exhibition Hall and the Art Museum announced a joint publication to both exhibitions. Detailed concepts to develop expert panels. Besides scientific teams of curators, the exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Bern by Matthias Frehner and Valentina Locatelli and in the Art and Exhibition Hall of Rein Wolfs and Agnieszka Lulinska is curated.

Both houses have agreed on a common council. There are also evaluating ways to exchange the exhibitions and to show in other places. Thus, in 2017, a station in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin planned.

Gurlitt died in May 2014 in Munich

The deceased in May 2014. Gurlitt, and in the apartments in Munich Salzburg more than 1000 valuable works of art were found, had intended as a legacy of its collections, the Kunstmuseum Bern. This is contested by Gurlitt cousin Uta Werner in court.

efforts to an exhibition of works of the Gurlitt Collection at the next Documenta Culture Minister Monika Grütters had rebuffed in January. As a reason they called the Germany radio the ongoing Erbstreitverfahren. In addition, there is a part of research into the origin of the works of concrete plans, this “dignified publicly display in reverence before the biographies of the victims and thus to make a further contribution to the Enlightenment”. This done in consultation with the Kunstmuseum Bern

Gurlitt Collection -. First is auctioned


Video: Gurlitt Collection: First will be auctioned

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