Monday, April 4, 2016

Scene of Munich – A scene of more than just hurt – Sü

In its anniversary event, the Munich commissioners want to make up for a detection error. Had they but left only. The gleaning.

column of Carolin Gasteiger

What it’s:

” Mia san now there where it hurts “begins so on, which other crime scenes stop: A young man is found guilty of murdering his cousin, a Romanian prostitute. But something is not right, Ivo Batic overcome doubts. So much so serious that it the case again again unrolls his colleague Franz Leitmayr. . Had they let it be only

Here you can read the review of SZ scene critic Holger Gertz:

” Tatort “column If the good evil in” ’cause

For the 25th anniversary of service Batic and Leitmayr roll in “Mir san now where it hurt doing “an old murder case again. And everything is getting worse.

specifiers Ender dialog:

Batic and Leitmayr desperately waiting for a sign of life of the young Benny, that of having a major honor murder, Mia Petrescu, is on the run

Batic. “Why does not answer, the Depp?”

Leitmayr ” Because there are at any one moment of what matters, no longer comes “

the best viewer comments.

Best scene:

Batic is clear how deeply his longtime friend, the pimp Harry Schneider, involved in the case is. When he only encountered the accountant’s office, he threatens her only personally and lets Harry Schneider then align a threat. Batic speaks very softly, but very clear when he would spit with every word another chunk of his anger. When he would remember every word, how much he was mistaken in “his friend”. “If you (… the couple Mia and Benny, editor’s note ) something happens, I’ll destroy him” – a moment seems to be the Commissioner for more than this oral threat capable


with dreamlike flashbacks striking dialogues and a great soundtrack Max Färberböck is a visually beautiful film succeeded. Were it not for …


… the many substantive twists that make the real subject into the background. With a couple that runs into trouble, a returning junkie who needs money and a wasted friendship the makers overload the case. Once again. An annoying trend in scene

Best performance:.

Stacked and devious mimes Robert Palfrader ( “Brown blow”) Batics pimp friend from ancient times. First he proffers him still good Cuvée ( “He oan outgoing longer as a Woch’n”), then he rushes his murderer to a henchman. With nasty Viennese humor he tried until the last moment to wriggle out of. “As always, faster, smarter, never there,” Batic etched at him. A Spezl as you like him who hate

The realization:.

The poet Jean Paul once said: “The worst mistakes are made in the intention to make a committed wrongs. ” In other words: “Mia san now there where it hurts.” Your own mistakes cost the Munich commissioners six lives. Six dead on the anniversary – no wonder that Leitmayr want to give up the “gschissenen champagne” and there is espresso coffee cups. The term “hurt” almost no longer sufficient because

the final punch:

layer the young Mia still the tormentors of their dead friend has attacked with a knife, now sits the girl to the door frame on the floor crouched there, looking with empty eyes to the Commissioners and whispered: “Help me Please..” If this appeal for help time is not late. Then, the picture freezes.

“Tatort” commissars Overview Who determines where the tricks?


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