Monday, April 4, 2016

Media: Good nine million viewers for “Tatort” -Jubiläum – ABC Online

Monday , 04.04.2016, 11:52
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Again, a very considerable resonance to the “crime scene” – 9.12 million viewers. With the Munich case in the second half of 2015. But were more people in front of their TVs

A round evening for television commissioners Udo Wachtveitl and Miroslav Nemec. The anniversary Crime to 25 . birthday of the “crime scene” from Munich interested on Sunday from 20:15 9.12 million viewers in the First. The market share was 25.8 percent.

In the movie titled “Mia san jetz there where it hurts” it went first to the murder of a Romanian prostitute who then but draws ever wider circles.

the last two criminal cases with the Bavarian investigators duo however cut still better than the anniversary film: More than 9.6 million were measured on December 6, 10.6 million on September 20, when ” Crime scene: The last Wiesn “. The views from the media centers are not taken into consideration

The ARD talk show “Anne Will” on the subject. “If the money is in the sun – Who dries the tax havens of” saw 4.36 million viewers ( 15.3 per cent). It was about the “Panama Papers” and the data leak that should have disclosed of 215 000 shell companies operations.

The ZDF melodrama “A Summer in Florida” with Suzanne von Borsody came to 4.41 million viewers (12.4 per cent), the ProSieben fantasy film “X-Men: future is past” with Hugh Jackman to 2.61 million (7.9 per cent), the RTL-action comedy “2 Guns” with Denzel Washington on 2 , 58 million (7.6 percent), the Sat.1 crime series “NCIS” on 2.55 million (7.2 per cent) and the Vox show “Martin Rütters animal television plaster” to 2.03 million (6, 7 percent).

the formula 1 race from Bahrain, which ended with the victory of Nico Rosberg, followed on RTL from 17h 4.44 million viewers (25.0 per cent). At the same time it brought the Sat.1 show “The Biggest Loser” to 1.72 million (8.2 per cent).

During the year, last year’s winner ZDF remains the completion of the first quarter with 12.8 percent market share number one compared to all TV channels. The first follows with 11.7 percent of private market leader RTL with 10.5 percent. Behind are Sat.1 (7.3 per cent), ProSieben (5.2 percent), Vox (5.1 percent), Cable 1 (3.7 percent), RTL II (3.5 percent) and Super RTL (1 , 8 percent).


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