Sunday, April 3, 2016

Money laundering scandal: all German banks and Siemens in the “Panama Papers” – THE WORLD

wonder if they sometimes bite the “mirror” at the talk show appearances by Georg Mascolo in the butt? Not only that the ex-chief editor of the news magazine that an internal report, fears for his strength, a telegenic type. It also stands for journalistic excellence. Almost exactly to the day three years after his dismissal as editor showed the 51-year-old current head of the research network of NDR, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” on Sunday night at Anne Will.

Because he and his employees were involved to bring the so-called “Panama Papers” to light. It deals with financial transactions, which has handled the firm Mossack Fonseca in the Central American country. They open up the perspective of a scandal, the extent of which is not yet in sight. This was also evident in the talk show.

There were the attempts at conversation on the possible lessons from the publication, which dated back to the time of the talks only a few hours, often something of a lost in the fog. Yet no one can say quite know what offenses could be satisfied. But the talk had been living alone of the Scoop of international search results.

Islands Prime Minister talks around his neck

Amazed could track the audience, such as the Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson was brought

Photo:. NDr Islands Prime Minister Gunnlaugsson was confronted on camera with the name of a mailbox, where it will be involved

in a television interview confronted to the research work involved journalists Gunnlaugsson called a letterbox company in Panama, where it will be involved. Bewilderment, confusion, anger and finally to leave the conversation by the politicians followed – it will be interesting, whether in Iceland in the coming days an item is free.

Mascolo took the revealing episode emphasizes objectively and made them for the German audience precisely one – namely the fact that the actions of the government is also so reprehensible because that Iceland would almost slipped into bankruptcy due to dubious financial transactions and Gunnlaugsson is characterized took office.

The Kremlin sees “a new form of information warfare”

dry lectured Mascolo also the reaction of the Kremlin on an inquiry into the allegations that the closest environment of President Vladimir Putin is in the middle of the dubious financial transactions and could have unexplained sums. A Kremlin spokesman had only to explain, “if it were about to see a new form of information warfare”.

The other guests talk delivered to the many details of Mascolo mouth especially some accessories. Thus the former Left Party leader Gregor Gysi went to great lengths to pull a little honey from the revelations of the opposition. “Why do we need a letterbox company?” Gysi asked quite justified. His demand: “We should not allow the money applying in shell companies.”

Gysi finds no shortcomings in the federal government

However, Gysi seems the action of the Federal government in the area of ​​tax policy not particularly see many omissions.

Photo: NDR / Wolfgang Borrs / NDR Public information Gregor Gysi ran with his demands again and again into the void, as the Federal government most of them already reacted

Michael Meister, State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance (CDU), the left-politician could in any case with the list of current activities bring government transparency repeatedly silenced. “We are doing exactly the substance of what you say,” Master said about a Gysi-demand – thus was the subject then completed.

And that something smooth control Fachanwältin Simone fighter the model of shell companies not found objectionable in the interests of their clients per se, gave the talk is no other Drive , This evening was alone Georg Mascolo, the face of the revealer.

Reportedly “wealth of interesting names” from Germany in papers

If Mascolo reserves right, this will also not have been the last time that way. Because according to him, although no German politician is mentioned in the documents from Panama. But he sees “a wealth of other interesting names” from Germany in the papers. Among them were “very interesting new tracks to the Siemens scandal,” Mascolo argued about. Reminder: This consolidated the various processes and a billion penalty had given, actually considered the matter thus settled.

And the Panama Papers seem further evidence of the grown discomfort to deliver against the actions of banks. He fell with the exception of financial institutions is not a German bank, which is not appearing in the documents, Mascolo said. “In large scale” Germans had been helped in the fraud.

But whether still someone so clueless – or rather stupid – now to invest his money in this way, seems to have become at least unlikely. There is more and more whistleblowers, investigative Mascolo said. And addressed to the address potential tax evaders: “You must tomorrow fear that their name is known.”

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