Friday, January 15, 2016

Jenny Elvers in the jungle camp 2016: What are their chances? –

Jenny Elvers goes into the jungle camp 2016th

© RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

Munich – Jenny Elvers is in the new season of “I’m a Celebrity. But what are the chances of the TV-blonde in RTL jungle camp 2016?

with parades Jenny Elvers (43) knows his stuff. A few months ago, she came back with her son and her new partner Steffen from Beeck (41) to Germany, having previously lived for a year in Marbella, Spain. From there, they had led a number of processes for alleged false reports about their person in the media, but otherwise enjoyed the tranquility under the Spanish sun. But Germany was just too far away for the television-blonde, because she wanted to go back: the focusing screen. That gave Jenny Elvers to in an interview with the Gala.

In January is now the next move, this time to Australia – at least for two weeks, but back to the television. As the well-informed usually Image already reported in December, Jenny Elvers is in January 2016, the new 10th season of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here” participate. Enough “Celebrity” potential likely Jenny Elvers have definitely for Ekelprüfungen in the Australian jungle. Actually, it was only a matter of time until the TV blonde will join the jungle camp in Down Under.

Jungle Camp 2016: Jenny Elvers is due to alcoholism in treatment

Jenny Elvers learned in the ’90s – whether you believe it or not – in fact the spectacle of craft in Berlin, Hamburg and Los Angeles and was then in Germany ever known, among other things, through various films and series roles, smaller moderator roles and of course, not to forget by her marriage to her former manager Goetz Elbertzhagen. In recent years, it ran for the TV-blonde but not so round.

At first she tried to have as a singer of success, but their single 2010 flopped tremendously. Only four weeks kept her song “I forgive you” in the German charts and did not come here on 64th place out – we can not even remember the approach it. Also personally Jenny Elvers had to contend with many problems. After a TV appearance in September 2012, in which she left a very confused and especially drunken impression that German media speculated return mail an alcohol disorder of TV-blonde. A short time later, Jenny Elvers then went into a six-week inpatient treatment and gave in February 2013 in a special program (“Jenny Elvers – The unvarnished truth”) also to have alcohol problems. Two months later, she separated from her longtime husband and manager Goetz Elbertzhagen

Jungle Camp 2016:. Elvers return to Germany as Start

first name : Jenny

Last Name : Elvers

birth : May 11, 1972

birth : Amelinghausen

known Film, theater and television

By now lives Jenny Elvers in Salzhausen in Lüneburg Heath, together with her son and her partner Steffen from Beeck. She also works again and although currently in her biography that sounds quite exciting. “It’s all about stories from the media world, a bit worked up in recent years and also the nonsense stories that have been told about me,” she says about it. In spring 2016 she will reflect on her acting roots and stand for a cinema project on camera: Film fans can probably look forward to a continuation of “Männerpension” – and perhaps again of an equally liberal appearance by Jenny Elvers as already in the first edition Films from 1995? So the blonde working again on her career – and how could the better fold as a participation in the jungle camp

So? chances for Jenny Elvers in the jungle camp 2016

Jenny Elvers is certainly one of the favorites in “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here”. Presumably they must adapt to quite a lot of disgust Exams – finally love the audience of the jungle camps suffer nothing more than the most prominent of the celebrities to be seen. But the 43-year-old can be assured that it engages indeed a certain experience in the reality TV business back: She was already in the RTL show “Let’s Dance” here and took even the game of Celebrity Big Brother 2013. So we are in good spirits when it comes to Jenny Elvers participate in the jungle camp 2016th Also on their Gage was incidentally already speculated – it should be a record content

Jungle Camp 2016: Jenny Elvers in an interview. ” / h3>

Why do you go to the jungle camp?

I see myself in my profession as an actress is always as entertainer and the jungle camp pure entertainment.

Have no problems with the fact that you see them in the jungle ungestylt?

Basically, I have nothing to hide first. I have since have no concern that swims away me something artificial or glued nails are no longer there at once. Of course you can color the eyebrows and eyelashes beforehand. I will also do, but otherwise the skin can there even a little bit to recover from the whole television makeup.

How do you master the jungle tasks? Have you given a strategy?

First of all, I want to persevere. I think giving up halfway, does not apply. And then of course I want to overcome my fears. But I do not have a strategy. I think we should seize this opportunity to introduce yourself as you really are. As an actress I play in front of the camera a role and in the jungle, there is then Jenny Elvers pure.

Come in a group better with men or with women right?

I know from experience that men can be beastly and bitchy quite nice when they have food deprivation and do not get your morning espresso or her cigarette. But women tend yes also like to blaspheme. The one knows well from the past seasons. I’m excited about the others.

They blaspheme because sometimes?

I blaspheme course times, but we all sit in the same boat and there I find very important cohesion. We are a group and there should not attempt a lone one, to move forward.

What is a no-go for you?

If you do not at least trying something. But it is also not offended or angry to be someone who says, “Hey, I’m really sorry, but I could not do the job easy.”

How do you respond to roommates who do not fulfill their duties in the camp?

I think we are a group and because it can not be natural that a constantly makes everything alone and turn another thumbs. Since I am quite someone who can prevail, if there are any problem there. Cohesion, but I find very important.

As you walk in the jungle with their fears and weaknesses to? Can you within the group and talk about it openly in front of cameras?

This has always to do with the mood. Basically, I have no problem with it, to stand by my weaknesses and my past. Basically me but everyone wonder what he wants.

Have you and your partner Steffen from Beeck ever so long separated?

No. But I also have my 14-year-old son Paul at home, but when I know that he is very well looked after. But I believe that there will be moments where I would like to be hugged.

How do you find it Her son, that they go to the jungle camp?

We have discussed this at home, everyone could say his opinion and we all thumbs made high.

you are afraid to open up to the other camp residents?

I have often struggled with negative headlines. With headlines that have nothing whatsoever to do with my personality and I often think that I am not. The jungle camp I see as an opportunity to show how I am.

What do you think about alcohol?

This is much more the outside world, who like to throw the repeatedly as a theme in the room. But my issue is no longer a long time. The aspect of “I want to show that I am healthy” is now not high on my list.

Are you afraid before the jungle trials?

I have no problem with it if you have to einsauen for example, with mucus. But when I see a spider at home in the bedroom, I do not invite the yes in my bed. Also, I have very much respect for the height. But I find it exciting to meet the challenges and his fears

Jungle Camp 2016:. All information in Dschungelcamp- Department

Who is in 2016 should be part of the jungle camp? Here you see all IBES candidates at a glance. All the latest news about “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” Go to see our jungle camp resort.


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