Saturday, January 16, 2016

Celine Dion mourns her husband –

Las Vegas. On Twitter users made on Friday his bewilderment air: “What’s that for a week – until David Bowie, then Alan Rickman and now René Angélil. I do not believe it. “On Twitter, the singer Celine Dion had a few hours earlier announced that her husband had died at the age of 73 years. They did so, as in many parts of Canada usual in English and French. She writes, Angélil had died in the shared home in Las Vegas “after a long and courageous battle against cancer.” The Music Manager suffering since 1998 of esophageal cancer.

It’s the end of a relationship that can be called in many ways a great love. Celine Dion had René often referred to as their “single partner”. It was a 21-year long marriage, which was not only scandalous free, but was overshadowed almost all the time by the disease. Even before the wedding Angélil had a heart attack – and then fought for years to publicly and with the help of his wife against cancer.

The relationship of the singer with the manager was right from the start under close observation, mainly because of the age difference. One of 13 siblings Dion sent a tape of the 1980 twelve year old to the office of the then 38-year-old René Angélil. “He invited me to audition,” she told the magazine “People”, “and when I saw that he was crying, I knew I had done something right.” To finance her first album, Angélil had a mortgage on his house was added. Without him, she adds, she would have never sold 230 million records worldwide.

Angélil accompanied them on their way to the top: In 1995, she received the World Music Award and in 1997 the Oscar for “Titanic” song “My Heart Will Go On”. The star wanted the song do not really sing, René Angélil persuaded.

In 1998, the couple met the news of esophageal cancer for the first time. Celine Dion took a break and now says that they had this month preparing for his death: “I do not want to sound sarcastic, but we could start practicing again.” The following year she was able to announce: René Angélil is cancer free. In 2002, she brought out the album “A New Day Has Come” – a lot of love songs.

But the cancer came in the following years, back with a vengeance. In 2013, Celine Dion drew for two years from show business back. Her husband was there already fed through a tube and the doctors did not know: It takes days, weeks or months? In August of last year, they began to reappear. The evaluated Friends as a sign that it was up to her husband better. “It is a hard road,” she said at the time compared to “USA Today”, and took the opportunity to say thank you to their fans for their support: “. The prayers, e-mails, letters, all that helps”

The couple had three sons: René Charles, who is 14 years old and the twins Nelson and Eddy (5). Celine Dion said her husband wanted to die in her arms. They promised him: “I’ll be there.” Las Vegas, the city of her greatest moments, put the flags at half mast.

Sören Kittel


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