Thursday, January 14, 2016

Celine Dion: Celine Dion mourns her husband René Angélil – ABC Online

Thursday, 01.14.2016, 23:35
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The husband of Canadian singer Celine Dion, René Angélil has lost his battle with cancer on Thursday morning. He was married to Dion since 1994. ‘/ Div>

René Angélil, husband of Celine Dion (47, “My Heart Will Go On” ), is dead. The American media report unanimously. “René Angélil is this morning died at his home in Las Vegas after a long and courageous battle against cancer,” said a spokesman Angélils against the US magazine “People”. The family ask you to respect their privacy during this difficult time. Angélil was 73 years old.

They were married for 20 years

With Clipfish look at the video for Céline Dion’s touching ballad “My Heart Will Go On”

Angélil, who was since 1980 the manager of Dion, married the singer in 1994. He leaves behind not only his wife but also three children from a previous marriage and three children together – the fourteen-year-old son René-Charles as well as the five year-old twin sons Nelson and Eddy. 2015 Dion had taken a month-long break in order to take care of their suffering from throat cancer man. Already in the 1990s was the first time a cancer in Angélil found.

If you believe anonymous sources US celebrity portal “TMZ”, then came death Angélils now apparently still quite suddenly. Allegedly, the former singer had felt much better lately. Dion and he would have had apparently agreed even business appointments for the coming week. According to the site Dion has canceled two upcoming shows at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas immediately and compete there expected to start again on 23 February.

He wanted to die in her arms

“How long as it does not have? Three weeks or three months? René wants to know. But they say they do not know it, “Dion had in August in an interview with” told USA Today “. Already at this time the singer had recorded after discussions with her husband whose wishes for his burial. “I want to die in your arms,” ​​he had the singer said at the time and they have answered. “I’ll be with you, you will die in my arms”

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