Friday, January 15, 2016

Academy Awards Nominations 2016 – “In 1936 Olympics, there were more variety” – THE WORLD

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“At the Olympics in Berlin in 1936 there were more variety”

outrage on Twitter: After the announcement of the Oscar nominations a storm of indignation breaks loose. Under the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite is criticized that no Schwarzer among the elect is.


Only white Oscar-nominated


 Outrage on Twitter: After the announcement of the Oscar nominations a storm of indignation breaks loose. Under the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite is criticized that no Schwarzer among the elect is

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In “The Revenant” di Caprio is attacked by a bear, alive buried, shot. He will be thrown off a cliff, washed down rapids and snowed. ? Is there an Oscar Source: The World


Because no Black is among the actors and directors at the Oscar nominations, is in the USA a storm of protest erupted. No sooner were the nominations announced on Thursday in Los Angeles, the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite found in the short message service Twitter already (Oscars as white). “At the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 there was more diversity,” wrote one user.

Another critic wrote on the Internet about the “unbearable whiteness of being . ” Even the liberal blog Think Progress noted that in the second year no black actors had been nominated for the coveted prize in a row. Already last year, the Oscar nominations were therefore criticized. About the Academy Award nominations were approximately 6,000 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood.

“The Revenant” with DiCaprio big favorite

The Western thriller” The Revenant – The returnees “is as big favorite in this year’s Academy Awards. The film about the revenge of an adventurer in the North American wilderness was nominated on Thursday in Los Angeles for a total of twelve Oscars, among others in the king category “Best Film”. . Also director Alejandro González Iñárritu and starring Leonardo DiCaprio are contenders for one of the coveted film awards

Also great chances of an Oscar have the ending movie “Mad Max: Fury Road “with ten nominations, and the space-strip” The Martians “with seven nominations. Nominated in six categories are Steven Spielberg’s spy movie “Bridge of Spies” and lesbianism drama “Carol”.

  AFP / mol


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