Friday, December 4, 2015

Xavier Naidoo nonsense – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


          He just wants peace – he says at least, expressed here but more than misleading from: Xavier Naidoo.



We write the 24th of April 1982: On the stage, a girl sits with long blonde hair. It wears a white dress with blue polka dots, holding a guitar and singing: “A bit of peace”. This song Nicole wins the Euro Vision Song Contest, which was then called Grand Prix Euro Vision Song Contest. During the Cold War, Europe is very enthusiastic about the presentation of the seventeen year old high school student: “A bit of peace, a bit of sun for this earth on which we live. A little peace, a little joy and that people will not cry as often. “This means that Germany will win the Grand Prix for the first time, the song sold more than five million times.


Michael Hanfeld Author: Michael Hanfeld, responsible editor for feature online and “media”

We are writing to December 3, 2015: appears on the Internet, on the Facebook page of the author, the former Burda Executive and CDU politician Jürgen Todenhöfer a song of pop singer Xavier Naidoo, who sings: “Never again war”. Three days before the start of the Bundeswehr mission against the terrorist militia IS in Syria as the song is clicked a million times.


Dear friends, Xavier Naidoo sent me yesterday this poignant, yet unreleased song: ‘no more war! ‘ We post it here together today on Facebook. BECAUSE WE ARE AGAINST WAR! Please help us to verbreiten.Morgen this message decides the Bundestag about the war in Syria. But not really to fight the IS. Since there are wiser strategies. But from alliance reasons, Hollande to love. For 14 years, we can not even defeat the Taliban with our bombs. When much more dangerous IS the haphazard Bombardiererei will be even less successful. We live in 2015 – but our politicians think of anything else than war. For this purpose, we have not chosen. Even more war in Syria beudeutet: more suffering, more hatred, more civilian deaths, more terrorists and more refugees. That is why we are protesting. 14 years anti-terror war are enough. No more war! Your JT & amp; Your sons Mannheim Photo: Tyler Hicks

Posted by Jürgen Todenhöfer on Thursday, December 3, 2015


Two weeks earlier, the ARD had announced Naidoo will take part for Germany at the Euro Vision Song Contest. After forty-eight hours but his nomination was withdrawn because of overflowing protest. Why Naidoo polarized and it perhaps is not a bad idea not to send him to the Euro Vision Song Contest, which you can certainly fix to Naidoo gutgemeintem Peace Song: The man expresses itself unclear, he rambles, he invites to misunderstandings; he goes into a victim role, by the one wonders how it comes; He shakes taboos that are not, and stylized himself into a martyr.


Who robs whom a place in paradise

This starts with the first line: “I learned that I should stand up for my beliefs and never denied my faith. Why should I now, after all this time, refrain? For this I’m not ready. “Anyone to deny required by our country from anyone, his faith? Religion prevails ban? After Xavier Naidoo’s view apparently already, but he sings: “Muslims wear the new Jewish star. All terrorists, we have no longer like “Muslims with the Jewish star -. With the mental equating our present with the Holocaust itself Naidoo catapulted already definitively from among serious contemporaries


Two lines further on it says, “the battlefield” was “already staked out” and it was “hard to believe, but one wants to rob you of your place in paradise”. Which raises the question: Who robbed here whom a place in paradise, and the murderers of my IS not just to acquire the by their crimes? “No more war, no more war,” Naidoo sings indefatigably who fears apparently, this message is not to be able to convey: someone “If we can not say that, then running something wrong.” Stop him in this country it?


He polarizes because he talks confusedly

And who thinks he hereby ?: “Who benefits from war, is irritated when he loses his propaganda war.” Nothing definite you do not know, but that was at Naidoo earlier so when he conspiratorially to the alleged backgrounds of terror of 11 September 2001 or the supposedly from foreign powers still occupied Federal Republic or supposedly not homophobic expressed. He polarized not because he had sharp provocations in stock, but because he talks confusedly.


“I know my songs that did not change much, I’m just a girl who says what it feels,” sang Nicole and stuck so that at least the right narrative frame. Xavier Naidoo and Jürgen Todenhöfer but want all the help, “to spread this message.” What is the again? That Angela Merkel stoking the war and the IS ceases with his crimes against humanity, because Xavier Naidoo sings so well?




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Xavier Naidoo


Michael Hanfeld

Nicole could then better: If Xavier Naidoo wants a bit of peace, is not from without ideological collateral damage.

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