Friday, December 4, 2015

Xavier Naidoo: “Muslims wear the new Star of David – all terrorists” – ABC Online

Friday, 04.12.2015, 14:40
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A bit of peace: How check off the ESC scramble, Xavier Naidoo brings a new song to the market. “No more war” is a classic peace anthem – and also provides fuel for controversy. The reason:. A sentence about Muslims

The debate about the failed ESC participation of Xavier Naidoo (44, “Hear, hear”) is hardly faded, already logs the singer returns with a new song. Naidoo sings along with his bandmates from the Söhne Mannheims in “No more war” a hymn to peace. The song was released on Thursday evening on the Facebook page of Naidoo itself and on the authors and publishers Jürgen Todenhöfer (75). The time speaks volumes: On Friday, the Bundestag voted on the Syria-deployment of the Bundeswehr

“Dear friends, Xavier Naidoo sent me yesterday this poignant, yet unreleased song. ‘No more war!’ We post it here together today on Facebook. Because we are AGAINST WAR! “, Todenhöfer wrote to the clip that shows a photo of a bloodied child to the music. But not only this clear picture provoked.

“Muslims wear the new Jewish star, all terrorists, we do not like to have more,” Naidoo sings to the quiet, thoughtful melody. Comparisons to Nazi Germany – always a touchy subject. And an unusually sharp line in a song that otherwise formulated his message simple: “No more war, no more war. If we can not say that, then running something wrong, “it says in the chorus.

With the embassy Naidoo, who in a few days ago seems Social media has been torn to hit a nerve. On his and Todenhöfer side of the song was listened to each have more than 2 million times and shared thousands of times. “Respect, Xavier Naidoo,” it says in the Facebook comments. And: “. That would be exactly the right song for the ESC was”

Why Xavier Naidoo ESC nomination provoked so much criticism, learn in this MyVideo clip

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