Saturday, December 5, 2015

People: Ulrike Folkerts thinks the “Tatort” not quitting – ABC Online

Saturday , 05.12.2015, 17:05
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You may already determined since around 26 years in the “Tatort” – anyway Ulrike Folkerts thinks far from quitting

There have already been phases where they have thought of the “Tatort” on. to hang the nail, said Folkerts (54) in the Radio Bremen talkshow “3nach9″ on Friday night. “But now I can not.”

Instead, she sees herself growing old as Ludwigshafen main commissioner Lena Odenthal on television. “I’m going to Miss Marple, that’s very clear.” And if Mrs. Odenthal am sent into retirement, “she rolls on the old cases. Probably I’m not going to slow down. “

Folkerts is on 13 December with a new” see the scene “in the first. The Ludwigshafen “Tatort” (SWR) there since 1989. ‘/ P>


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