Sunday, December 6, 2015

Music: Conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt stretches from the console back – FOCUS Online

Sunday , 06.12.2015, 15:08
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The Austrian star conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt announced to his 86th birthday on Sunday, the end of his active work at the desk.

“My physical strength areas a rejection of my future plans,” wrote the Berlin-born orchestra conductor in a brief public letter to his audience.

Originally Harnoncourt had on Saturday and Sunday evening to direct the Concentus Musicus a Bach program. On the eve of his birthday he shared in a handwritten letter but with his withdrawal. Copies were attached to the program booklet at the Vienna Musikverein

“Because great ideas come up: between us on the podium, and you in the hall has built an unusually deep relationship – we have become a happy discovery community.”, Wrote the Conductor.

have been for decades, “his kingdom stage and orchestra pit” for Harnoncourt, wrote the Austrian news agency APA in an appraisal. “With curiosity and enthusiasm of the musicians who once refused proven paths to tread unaudited and instead promoted the study of the sources and the use of original sound instruments.” Thus Harnoncourt had caused “a revolution of performance practice”.


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