Saturday, December 5, 2015

Movie: US actor Robert Loggia died with 85 years – ABC Online

Saturday , 05.12.2015, 09:20
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The American actor Robert Loggia who often played tough guys and bad guys, is dead. As his wife Audrey told the US film portal “Variety”, died the 85-year-old on Friday at his home in Los Angeles. According to his wife Loggia was suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Among his well-known films included the drama “An Officer and a Gentleman”, Brian de Palma’s thriller “Scarface” and “The honor Prizzi “by John Huston.

For his supporting role as a detective in the psychological thriller” The Knife “at the side of Glenn Close and Jeff Bridges 1986, he was nominated for an Oscar. He also played in Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster “Independence Day” and comedies like “Big” and “Curse of the Pink Panther” with.

His last film appearance was the native New Yorker, 2012. “Peter and the Last Supper “.


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