Sunday, December 6, 2015

Media: 30 years “Lindenstraße” – ABC Online

Saturday , 05.12.2015, 23:59
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For 30 years, the “Lindenstraße” integral part of the ARD Sunday. Pedigree audience about the life of Mother Beimer, Dr. Dresser & amp; Co. by heart. In future, the issue of refugees play an important role – and the Diamond Jubilee, there is a premiere

Cologne (dpa) -. Mother Beimer frying in frustration still fried eggs, Dr. Dressler is still valid as a moral authority and the “Acropolis” gather every evening the neighbors. Who has the “Lindenstraße” watched only once, much will today recognize

On 8 December 1985, the ARD was beaming the series from the first time. But the anniversary episode for the 30th anniversary running of course on Sunday (December 6th).

Despite the resistance has in definitives also changed a lot over time. Many actors came and went – alone 262 leading roles there were in the series history, stars like Til Schweiger took the “Lindenstraße” as a career springboard. Those who have remained since the beginning until today there are aged along with the audience, about Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Luger, Georg Uecker and Ludwig Haas. Moritz A. Sachs launched with seven years in the first episode as Klausi Beimer – now the son of Mary Gordon is twice divorced and lives as a single parent in the “Lindenstraße”

mid-1980s when. there were very few TV programs, was the “Lindenstraße” Monday morning almost compulsory topic of conversation in offices and on the playground. After an average of twelve million people had seen the episode on Sunday evening. And the occasion for discussion was the series in the first few years again and again: The legendary gay kiss between Carsten Flöter and Robert Engel, for example, was a slippery slope on German television, and the “Lindenstraße” was also the first TV series, the AIDS themed <. /> p>

“The most important thing in the 30 years was the freedom we had to be able to tell those taboos,” producer Hans W. Geißendörfer says in retrospect. Today taboos in the series are only possible with difficulty: Given the large number of stations and countless reality formats on television is hardly anything taboo. After WDR details turn an average 2.5 million viewers on Sundays at 18.50 clock the “Lindenstraße” a, added views on media libraries, internet livestream and app.

your claim to take up current issues is, the series remained faithful. So it was a bit “morals and social history of Germany,” says ARD program director Volker Herre-. “The” Lindenstraße “has proven that you can connect a wide medium with social relevance.”

As a mirror of recent developments, the issue of refugees will soon take up much space in the series. “Because it’s not about a report on a flared dorm, but this will be a really big story arc, with a focus on” People, do not be afraid that refugees can contact us also bring a lot of “,” explains Geißendörfer.

The 74-year-old inventor of the “Lindenstraße” wants to gradually withdraw from the series. As a successor to his daughter Hana is ready together with her father has worked as a producer since the beginning of 2015th “The heart and soul of” Lindenstraße “will remain,” says Hana Geißendörfer which was at the start of the series just a year old.

In order to attract additional viewers, set the “Lindenstraße” from the creators mainly on social media. Target group are less brand new, but rather former spectators who have come off in the meantime. The hope: Who noticed that he would quickly find their way despite years of abstinence in the “Lindenstraße” that they might turn time back. In the anniversary show on December 6, there is incidentally a premiere: the sequence is played live


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