Thursday, December 10, 2015

Literature: Heinrich August Winkler receives Leipzig Book Prize – ABC Online

Thursday , 10.12.2015, 14:14
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guidance in turbulent times: The historian Heinrich August Winkler wrote the “History of the West” and is honored with one of Germany’s most important literary awards.

The historian Heinrich August Winkler receives with EUR 20 000 doped Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding in 2016. The award will the 76-year-old for his four-volume “History of the West” award, the Culture Department of the city said on Thursday.

“With his sovereign art, analysis and narrative to combine and to integrate the variety of aspects in a convincing synthesis, it makes a broad, historically interested audience useful guidance “, the jury explained, inter alia, their choice.

Winkler’s for decades one of the most prestigious historians Germany. He was (today Kaliningrad) born in 1938 in Königsberg. From 1991 until his retirement in 2007 he taught at the Humboldt University in Berlin. On May 8 this year, he held the central memorial speech in the Bundestag on the 70th anniversary of the war’s end. He closed the “history of the West” this year with the band “The time of presence” from. He walked since 2009 the volumes “From the beginnings in antiquity to the 20th century”, “The time of the world wars. 1914-1945 “and” From the Cold War to the fall of the wall “ahead.

The prize will be awarded at the opening of the Leipzig Book Fair on March 16, 2016 Gewandhaus. The laudation the historian, journalist and writer Volker Ullrich.

The Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding has been awarded annually since 1994 and is one of the most important literary awards in Germany. The award committee is forming the state of Saxony, the city of Leipzig, the Association of German Publishers and Booksellers and the Leipziger Messe.

This year, the Romanian author Mircea Cărtărescu was excellent. Other previous winners were about the Indian author Pankaj Mishra and the British historian Ian Kershaw.


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