Wednesday, December 9, 2015

He conceded in Jauch from: FOCUS Online asks the “WWM” winner: Was the millions … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 09.12.2015, 14:23 · FOCUS-Online Editor Lisa Nord Holt
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Wirtschaftspsychologie- Student Leon Windscheid cracked Monday, the million and has since been on everyone’s lips. But how does it feel to suddenly be in the spotlight? And as you made it, so to conceal a profit? FOCUS Online has spoken to the party organizer.

On Monday evening Leon Windscheid hit the jackpot at “Millionaire”. In an interview, the sympathetic psychology graduate student reveals, why he did not just the million, but also suit and shoes abluchste Günther Jauch

FOCUS Online:. you have on Tuesday Birthday How much champagne flowed

<.? p> Leon Windscheid: Normally I drink no champagne but funnily enough have me the doorman who usually make the security at our parties, brought a bottle However, I have spilled half while opening and then I went back.. switched to beer

FOCUS Online:. Since your victory you are on everyone’s lips How does it feel to suddenly be in the spotlight. “? / p>

Windscheid: It’s funny when you see yourself on the front pages of the newspapers. On the street people come to me to make a Selfie with me. So I thought briefly, Oh God, now you’re a kind of Star ‘. But in principle this is only a very small prominence that I have. Although it is now exciting and thrilling, I’m glad that I did not have to experience every day

FOCUS Online:. You have now realized that you are richer by one million

Windscheid: I’m waiting really just that someone awakens me and says that it’s all just a crazy dream was. Now that I no longer needs to keep winning secret, but it is starting to dawn. I was allowed after recording yes not say a word about it

FOCUS Online:. How difficult it was for you to hold your victory secret for so long

Windscheid: Very. I was allowed to speak only with my girlfriend and my parents – who were there in the studio. When I was pestered, I said, please do me a favor and do not ask so much for ‘. Understanding, however, was great, so it all made me also a little easier

FOCUS Online:. You have Günther Jauch abgeluchst the suit on the show. Why

Windscheid: I’m a total enemy of waste. When I told the lady wardrobe that suits by Günther Jauch all come in the fundus, I immediately thought: Because you can make something out of it! So I just wondered

FOCUS Online:.? Has Jauch kept his promise and you ceded the rest of his suit

Windscheid: It has taken me by the mission with in its hallowed halls. As we talked, he began to be bluntly completely undress to pass me the suit. He stood suddenly in white underwear and a rib undershirt in front of me. He has remained totally casual and simply goes on to explain – very personable and easy I found him! The suit will be the way early in 2016 on a benefit gala on our “MS Günther” auctioning

FOCUS Online:. Has Jauch keep your lucky shoes also

Windscheid: No, he has returned to me. These are ultimately my lucky shoes that I need to keep myself. They were him also much too large

FOCUS Online:. And too dirty? Your lucky shoes looked quite taken from …

Windscheid: I am sporty anti-shopper and then times when I’ve got a part as just these shoes, then I wear the well the whole time. Therefore, look at the year and a half after just also like

FOCUS Online:. You have put everything on one card in the million-question. How great was the fear of losing everything

Windscheid: It may be though so come over, but actually I have not gambled. I was very quickly secure its approach. I was just at the beginning on the wrong track, because I had the cube much bigger in memory. I knew I could lose so or win a million 499,500 euros simple. There was therefore no moment in which I thought that I’m going to gamble. Günther Jauch said afterwards that you have to have the courage at such a question, to play them. It is assumed that the majority have taken and stopped the 500,000 euros

FOCUS Online:. On the web has been discussed whether the million dollar question was too easy. As you can see, the

Windscheid: I simply appeal to all, imagine how it is in such an extreme situation. Man sitting in front of Günther Jauch, the cameras are directed to one side and it comes to a lot of money which is the maximum stress. For me, the question was difficult enough

FOCUS Online:. you have initially tried to solve the million question without an answer options. Why

Windscheid: If I find the right answer without the answers myself, I can be me much more confident that I’m actually right when the answers are then displayed. The other way around, it could indeed prove that my brain would perhaps distracted or deceived by the wrong answers. So when I myself come on, I can be much more confident that I have the right solution

FOCUS Online:. Man can crack with Psycho tricks Million ie

Windscheid: That’s right. I have prepared myself with Psycho tricks on the show. I have helped to million. I believe in “Millionaire” It is not just that you know a lot. It comes in addition to a bit of luck, especially important that you can handle an extreme stress situation, it can not be intimidated and react correctly on Günther Jauch. That is of course true professional and difficult even for a psychologist to crack

FOCUS Online:. Do you know already what you will treat yourself to the first of the Million

Windscheid: I’m going to celebrate my birthday on December 19, again with all friends. With my girlfriend I go next year on a skiing holiday. And the money allows me to write a book. It will be about how you can do it with certain tricks and mental processes, one to get one’s own brain bit better grip. The brain can do an awful lot, but can also be slightly confusing and tricking. I think if you which is aware, one can achieve a lot. I have quite a lot to thank the tricks in any case already, now even a million.

Leon Windscheid is tonight at “Stern TV” (22.15 clock, RTL) be a guest.

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