In October in Los Angeles: the “Eagles of Death Metal” on stage
sets that might be silly, possibly a bit beside looked as if they were told, now stuck, a day after the terror has again come to Paris, full of sad absurdity. Two months ago, the two frontmen of the Californian band “Eagles of Death Metal”, whose appearance in the concert hall Bataclan became the center of the biggest terrorist attack in France’s recent history on Friday night, the music magazine “Rolling Stone” gave an interview. The conversation turned on the terror.
When it comes to the question was why the band have re-released after seven years with “Zipper Down” album, Joshua Homme said, who is also a founding member of the rock band “Queens of the Stone Age”: “had the absence of music Eagels of Death Metal a really bad side effects. There was all the trouble in the Middle East and all these other things, and were sorry. We wanted to not thereby cause we release any music “And on the demand of the reporter whether the new album in the core so was a response to terrorism, Homme said.” Yes. We bring a plate out and human rights are better, the world is doing better, people earn more money, there is less anger, people go respectful to women and homosexuals and are at all friendly to each other. “
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Two months after Homme, of even these sentences has therefore said so childish not to went to Paris, will probably never again can anyone say the name “Eagles of Death Metal”, without thereby actually to awaken thoughts of terror. On the concert of the band in the Bataclan are offered the ugliest images of a ghastly night. Several unmasked men stormed the sold-out hall and fired assault rifles into the crowd. Of the estimated 1,000 people in the hall were at the end of at least 80 dead. Whether members of the band are among the victims, was initially unclear. The official Twitter account of the band it was in the evening: “We are trying at the moment to find out the security and residence of all in the band and the crew.”
– EaglesOfDeathMetal (EODMofficial) November 13, 2015
Shortly thereafter, there was at least for families and fans of the band members all-clear: All the musicians have survived the devastating attack, several crewmembers are still missing, reported the “Washington Post”. The wife of the band member Julian Dorio said therefore that her husband had called her, “to tell me that he loves me and that he is safe.” Dorios mother had confirmed that her son and the other band members had escaped the attackers. Julian Dorio, who does not belong to the core composition of the “Eagles of Death Metal”, had traveled for the tour as a drummer with Europe. A few hours before the event, he explored Paris on a bike and let his fans via Twitter and Instagram know how beautiful it was there.
So when the shots fell at night, Dorio was on stage. He and his colleagues were playing about the sixth song, when the terror began. It described Dorios brother Michael in an interview with the American television station WSB-TV local: “You heard it before they saw anything, they heard machine-gun fire. It was loud, louder than the band, and they threw themselves on the stage floor. “The band and some crewmembers it was then able to escape through a door in the backstage area, which leads directly to a road. From there they were then rushed to the nearest police station.
One detail that was sometimes reported incorrectly in the first hours after the attack (which on an evening like this, but certainly not a bad offense is), concerns the musical direction of the band. In many cases, was of a heavy metal concert talk, which somehow was obvious, can nevertheless already the name of the “Eagles of Death Metal” close to a particularly severe and somber music. In fact, make the “Eagles of Death Metal” blues-rock of the seventies, enriched with – as the New York Times aptly describes – a “high dose of humor”
Without to offend them, we can say that the frontmen Joshua Homme and Jesse Hughes are foregone Kindsköpfe what her interview with “Rolling Stone” already proof enough. In its campaign against terrorism, and all the rest of injustice, this can be summarized the conversation, they have a weapon: fun and nothing but fun. Life against death.
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