Tuesday, November 17, 2015

US actor Charlie Sheen: “Yes, I am HIV-positive” – ​​Tagesspiegel

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Charlie Sheen, star of the sitcom “Two and a Half Men “has made its HIV infection publicly. But he not only gets recognition.

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Drug abuse, alcohol crashes, countless affairs, marriages, divorces, insults, violence against women – the list of scandals surrounding Charlie Sheen is long. Now another detail is added. “I’m here to admit that I am HIV-positive, in fact. I have to stop this avalanche of rumors, “he said on Tuesday in a television interview. He got about four years ago the diagnosis. “These three letters are hard to swallow,” he said. It was a turning point in his life.

speculation about Sheen had recently been increased, since the Internet portal “Radar Online” reported earlier this month about the fact that a well-known Hollywood star was HIV positive. From extortion, hush money and a lot of bad words in this respect was the speech. Speculation that apparently could not stand 50 years old American actor. The Boulevard transmitter TMZ tweeted on Monday that Sheen finally wanted to express. On Tuesday he announced an exclusive interview in the “Today” – to show the transmitter NBC, to make a “personal statement”. Finally Sheen confirmed what was already suspected in dozens of media reports and social network

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“payments in the millions”

Sheen appeared in an interview with presenter Matt Lauer unusually nervous – the actor had not decided voluntarily to the “revelation”. As TMZ reported, threatened some ex-partners Sheen already complaints, because he should have not been informed about his illness. In addition, they wanted money for their secrecy. A prostitute had even made a photo of the drugs to ask for money later. And Sheen relented. “No more of today.” Sheen’s appearance on the show was like a confession and a redemption at the same time, he wanted the tide of hostility and untruths one: “. We are talking about payments amounting to millions” When asked if he still pay, he said end set. “I think I free myself today itself from this prison.”

For AIDS activists is an important sign. “If a famous actor speaks openly about his infection, can have a role model for other people living with HIV,” says Holger Wicht, spokesman for the German AIDS Help. However, it was unacceptable that the actor was obviously forced. “This should always be a personal decision.” Wicht hopes that Sheen now further open Bypass with his illness. A stigma he could not put up with it. “Moral judgments ban themselves in such a situation.”

spiteful reactions on Twitter

Ahead Sheen had been particularly criticized because it was said that he was one of several partners knowingly risk had suspended contagion. “It is impossible that I have passed it,” Sheen replied to a question from moderator Lauer. He had always paid attention to honesty and condoms. As he had infected himself, he could not say exactly. It all started with headaches, migraines, and sweating at night. “I thought it was a brain tumor.” Now he’ll take four pills a day, Sheen said. “I have the responsibility to improve myself and to help many other people.”

Before the interview, and especially after there were numerous reactions in the network, such as on Twitter. User expressed sympathy, but also made jokes and malicious comments. The infection is a consequence of Sheen’s wild, excessive behavior and, therefore, no surprise, it is in many contributions. Many users also pointed out that the fuss about such a private matter was inappropriate. Outraged showed still others: HIV sufferers would stigmatized infections you get not only by a debauched lifestyle

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His high school girlfriend he shot in the arm

Sheen had never made a secret of his lifestyle. It is known in addition to the followed by drug withdrawal cures about excesses that he entertained several relationships with porn actresses and even after his divorce from actress Denise Richards in 2006, had numerous affairs. The party life he was formulated cautiously, not averse. His relationship ended, according to the women often because Sheen had been threatened with violence or actually become palpable. So he should have his high school girlfriend once shot in the arm. After he had beaten another woman unconscious, Sheen got a suspended sentence

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With all this he always flirted again. It is precisely this coarse arrogance there that made Sheen a pugnacious actor was. 1986 became acquainted with the anti-war film “Platoon”, he celebrated his largest success with the sitcom “Two and a Half Men,” in which he played the hedonistic Kotzbrocken and philanderer Charlie Harper. He was the highest-paid actor series in the world, but its excesses caught up with him. The final season in 2011 was canceled because Sheen was through drug abuse become repeatedly striking and had the producers Chuck Lorre publicly insulted. In an interview, he said at the time. “I’m still alive, is at my tiger blood” And: “. Death is only for amateurs and idiots” ( with dpa)

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