Saturday, November 14, 2015

Eagles Of Death Metal: The band from the Bataclan – Tagesspiegel

19:58 clock Gerrit Bartels <- self.position: 1 -> <- classid: hcf center -> <- position: center -> <- text position: hcf text-left -> <- inisprint: false -> <- inhaspic: true ->

They played during the attacks in Paris in Bataclan- Concert Hall. What does the US rock band Eagles of Death Metal? They play stoner rock, are sophisticated and dull. Your bandleader Jesse Hughes is convinced republican.

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As terrible in this Parisian night for the first time talk of attacks on a club and during a concert is mentioned, from the hostage-taking of more than 100 people, there is still much uncertainty about what has played for a band because the Bataclan theater actually. From a metal concert talk the TV correspondent on CNN says the downward current in the picture News Strip, it was the American rock band Eagles Of Death, and belonging only fans of this not exactly known, more of the indie world, more precisely : Stoner Rock band playing there know that it can involve just about coming from the California Palm Desert Eagles Of Death Metal.

How absurd: a terrorist attack on a concert of the Eagles Of Death Metal! In the heart of Parisian nightlife district, comparable perhaps with Friedrichshain. With the appearance of a band that fills no giant halls, more than the small clubs in Berlin clubs like the Lido or the Astra. Which played in Paris but before at least 1500 people, five pieces, until the beginning of the sixth song the four bombers broke into the club and shot indiscriminately around.

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Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll, tough men, busty women, the middle of the devil

The band was formed in the late nineties years, their first album, entitled “Peace Love Death Metal” appeared in 2004. The two main band members of frontman Jesse Hughes and drummer Josh Homme, who know each other since early childhood. However, for the Homme Eagles Of Death Metal were always just a side project. He gave the band but a certain level of awareness, not least because it plays a similarly blunt and unbreakable, easy psychedelic, rudimentary melodic and even casual boogie and counters rock, as well as the unequal known bands of Josh Homme: the long defunct Kyuss and the still existing Queens of the Stone Age. In short: Stoner Rock. A variety of rock that is musically clearly situate.

“Zipper Down”

The corresponding mark system but is a bit more difficult to decipher. With the rock and metal-Essentials is played around here wild and equally ironic as indifferent: sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, hard men, busty women, the middle of hell. Welcome to the white trash hell is here Ideal as the terror par excellence. Nice to see on the cover of the recent Eagles Of Death Metal album “Zipper Down”. A bare-breasted woman in black leather clothes can be seen on it. Your Hand in the crotch, fingers splayed on Metal Greeting, imitate with index finger and the little finger on the horns of the bull, and instead of her nipples one sees the portraits of Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme. It is not always clear whether Eagles Of Death Metal make a joke of it and ironically the genre itself perfectly – or whether they are not even pretty dull fellows. Cool, but stupid.

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Jesse Hughes about Barack Obama: “He . is a communist, an absolute communist “

In fact, is the real mastermind of the band, who was born Jesse Hughes 1972 is a highly ambivalent person: followers of the Republican Party, for their politicians, he is said to have written campaign speeches, yet always staunch supporter of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Jr., recently supporters of Donald Trump, the perhaps most far right operating Präsidentschaftkandiaten the USA for 2016. For this purpose, Hughes member of a so-called Universal Life Church and, even worse, the National Rifle Association, the weapons Association the USA. 2009 Hughes said in an interview with the online music magazine “” about Barack Obama: “A light-footed, communist Cocksucker as he is not hurt America great. We do not allow. I guarantee you now that it will deploy the military more than any president before him. He will raise taxes and destabilize the world system so that we are even more vulnerable to terrorist attacks than before. “

The same he expressed with respect to a Canadian men’s magazine two years later, asked whether the band had a political message “Yes, but only correct policy. I love Reagan. Communism sucks “. He then admits though one that rock musicians are perhaps not necessarily to own, to send political messages, then says but again phrases such as: “If Rock’n’Roller would cease to make Republicans and Christians responsible for everything bad, we would have a better world “Or, again over US President Barack Obama:”. He is a communist, an absolute communist. In fact, he is a criminal. (…) He is the whitest black guy I’ve seen in my life. “

An album as a response to terrorism?

Not quite so clearly, again more agierend on the ironic fun level, Hughes gave and also when she interviewed Josh Hommer recently by the US “Rolling Stone” on the occasion of the release of their fourth album “Zipper Down” were. From “unrest in the Middle East” are you talking blurry, from a closer together and that after seven years of band break back have therefore an Eagles album must enter. “? ‘Zipper Down’ is basically so the response of the Eagles Of Death Metal on terrorism”, the “Rolling Stone” then asks what Josh Homme responds: “Yeah. We publish an album and human rights are better, the world feels better, people earn more money, there’s less fear, more respect for women and gays, all of which are nice to each other, and that was to begin the healing for us the time to leave. “

It was a chance

Cynicism? Again nicely ironic pomposity, small band, big politics? Annoyed fuck-you attitude? In any case, have the issue of the magazine and Hommes answer in retrospect something frightening, a self-fulfilling prophecy, not least the apparently iron right-wing nationalist sentiments of Jesse Hughes – as if the terrorist attacks in Paris, the immediate response thereto.

But if the assassin really knew about the political views of the Eagles of Death members, understood the mixture of factual entertainment, provocation and sophistication, the band knew at all? One must probably assume that this evening the chance has ruled that it could take any x-arbitrary band in the Bataclan Theatre. That stops the entire Western system of values ​​had the goal of a lifestyle that makes especially bands like the Eagles Of Death Metal possible. The band was able to escape from the back door of the club – and Jesse Hughes will feel confirmed in his views only

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