Thursday, September 10, 2015

ZDF-Gala “The Fugitive – Germany helps!”: Embarrassing show – SPIEGEL ONLINE

With the confused Gala “The Fugitive – Germany helps!” knock Johannes B. Kerner and ZDF the helpful Germany so heavily on the shoulders, it hurts.

Before the Refugee Choir “shelter” with an Arabized version of the Ode verhohnepiepelt German high culture to Joy, Johannes B. Kerner asked the volunteer choir director according to their wishes: “We still need a loving full rich patron, he may also like to receive a patronage take over, “she says and adds boldly added:”. If he is not just an arms dealer ”

It is one of just two all too brief moments at which accidentally the other side of truth flashes, which was devoted to this little sägliche evening only: “On the run – helping Germany”, not only wholeheartedly, but also by public law and therefore for reasons of state. As a casual note it fits poorly into the concept that this country is the third largest arms exporter in the world of ruins not so badly deserves. This demonic idea is Accordingly piqued exorcised from the studio audience and Kerner with a rich “Hohoho”.

“We” are once again really proud of “us”

At the beginning Kerner asks the viewers to time “for three, four, five seconds,” be so much time has to meditate on the picture of a devastated road train in Aleppo. “People on the run, Germany will help These are just six words, but with these six words.” The concept of this live broadcast was already sufficiently circumscribed: From then at all would give an understanding of reasons for flight all by itself.. That’s all right. But it should be the subject of an entertainment show? How about a Musical

In this case, the ZDF was clearly trouble to skim the cream of the current emotional helpfulness and to present by the means of commercial television:? Behold, it comes! To gefühligen piano sounds introduces people to help other people. These people can therefore go in safety to school, make a carpenter, playing soccer, singing Beethoven or – to gefühligen piano sounds and slow motion -. To burst into tears when the horror she catches up

“Germany”, which were in this mission, of course, “we” all. And where “we” really sleep proud of “us” may be, the President is not far “. This is what makes our country beautiful We stand by our country, and we are not afraid of the challenges,” Gauck preaches in a rehearsed Greeting message. Later, Queen Silvia of Sweden is as a representative of a similar beautiful country Find similar words.

Ever outweighs the good persuasion that evening. Apart from the Scandinavian monarch preaches a whole series of indiscriminate celebrity as Jürgen von der Lippe, Markus Lanz, Rainer Hunold, Steven Gätjen or Tim Mälzer the converts. The actors Anneke Kim Sarnau (“Honey in the head”) and Armin Rohde read with aplomb selected articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The actress Anna Loos arrived at the main train station in the dark Budapest (“Even ‘s strange feeling to have arrived here”) to can then be consulted by Kerner: “Anna, you just said: We need help. How, for example? ” Loos: “Everyone, as he can!” Switched from Moscow assured Til Schweiger (“Honey in the head”) with the Kremlin in the background, that he will not leave “by headwinds” hold in his commitment to refugees. So celebrating a majority that their quite so sure can not be yourself.


Who sets the motto “Do good and do a TV gala therefrom” on Charitainment US-style, the conversation must not neglect. And so interpreted Yvonne Elliman “People Get Ready” by Curtis Mayfield and asks to times Listen to this page accurately. As if that were not enough impertinence, also sings us Heinz Rudolf Kunze’s conscience: “You’ll never be at home when you have no host, no friends!”

At the sight of Johannes B. Kerner always afraid he would some of the refugees charged Invite equal to a quiz about the prize you do not want to continue to think. This concern was unfounded, after all, the man was over 90 minutes largely in Ermunterungsmodus: “Thank you, thank you and thank you again” Felix “slave-driver” Magath trained for the camera, the Refugee Welcome Team United 03 and then comes with DFB President Wolfgang Niersbach and philanthropist into the studio? Thank you.

More programs like this we do not need

Short germinated hope Verteddybärisierung of asylum seekers people would take an end. That was when Kerner seriously “concerns, fears and needs,” said and the question was, “how long applause as is the train station.” What followed, however, was then only a further contribution in the style of “The program with the mouse” on the clockwork, where everything works so incredibly well in this country – this time in admitting refugees in Munich. Gefühlige piano sounds.

For the second moment of truth of the evening, incidentally, made a nine year old girl from Syria, before it must be possible to images of refugees to Hungarian railway tracks and private photos of Rea Garvey as “Supergirl” sing. Recently her favorite subject (mathematics) has been applauded extensively. But it gets even better. What she wants to be times because, if it is large? “When I grow up, I want to build a car ??”.

Kerner is from this answer so thrilled that he briefly pushes aside the flowery curtain in front of our alleged generosity and allows a look at their hard core, “Wow Toll Young women in engineering professions, which we need today!”

What we do not need are more programs like this. It’s true that the end justifies the means. Conversely, some profane means the purpose.


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