Max Kruse in an archive photo from 2001
“It was millions of years ago,” says the raises, and as a children’s author had to trust such a first set first in the moving year 1968th All too soon you could be under the general suspicion of escapism when a work was rooted not firmly in the here and now, and writers who stood up for fairytale or fantasy elements in children’s literature, got a lot to hear. How far is it but ordered with realism in a book whose hero comes from an in ancient times down, hatched in our presence egg, learned human language and communicates with their help with other animals, seems to be obvious – were so seen “Urmel from the egg” and the other titles of “Urmel” series, which was published in 1969, followed by the debut their author, for some a red cloth.
Other, far more in number, joined the strange creature that was visually somewhere between hippopotamus, dragon and mouse, immediately to the heart. This was not least the refined setting of the author Max Kruse. On the one hand, he invented the manageable, completely forgotten by the world Titiwu island an ideal microcosm to release his complicated characters there successively or together to defy the dangers of the outside. On the other hand always seems in particular to the universal also, and what curiosity, reason friendliness, melancholy, anger, jealousy and forgiveness are, can best study on the islanders and their visitors. Who has to flee from the world, so it divides every reader Elementary Age and beyond quickly with, lives permanently under the threat that his world just behind comes and just want to get him to that which distinguishes him from all others – in Urmel On the pot seems about becoming the probable, which follows such contact, and if you instead just goes behind the bars of a zoo, you can fortunate.

So are known Urmel and his foster mother Wutz many children: the figures of the Augsburg Puppet Theatre
So Urmel and his foster mother Wutz are known many children: the figures of the Augsburg Puppet Theatre
Max Kruse, who was born on 21 November 1921 as a son of the doll maker Käthe Kruse, escaped as a sickly child and unstable young man the time typical soldiers fate, led for a time the mother factory and then devoted himself to writing. Among his more than fifty volumes, sold a total of more than three million copies and a grateful subject for adaptations about by the “Augsburger Puppenkiste” are, take children’s books the most space. In addition, however, there are also autobiographical works, historical novels or fairy tales.
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The fact that they owe their existence to the talent of a wonderful storyteller, shared with quickly. Upon closer inspection however, will find the author also features a friendly teacher who wants to make us like reading a bit wiser. His “Urmel” -Fabel entstamme in 1968 still very young experience to take a frozen trout to thaw from the freezer, he admitted much later, and often you will discover the origin of a modern fairy tale so deeply rooted in the spirit of art. The last, 13th volume of the series was published in 2013 under the title “Urmel whizzes through time” and gives his young readers in passing something about the earth and evolutionary history. The “Great weather-Urmel”, the primeval mother Urmels once phoned in their trouble, finds there’s no place like any religion in Kruse’s worldview does not gratifying role. Instead, set the author of what is human and other beings relate to each other: on communication and empathy. Now Max Kruse died at the age of 93 years.
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