Thursday, September 10, 2015

Art: Wolfgang Laib receives “Praemium Imperiale” – ABC Online

Thursday , 09.10.2015, 15:28
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It is for the Arts assess how the Nobel Prize for literature: The “Praemium Imperiale” is one of the most highly endowed cultural prizes. A German sculptor gets him.

The German sculptor and conceptual artist Wolfgang Laib (65) is one of this year’s winners of the Japanese “Praemium Imperiale”. The award is considered the world’s premier art award.

With the award loaf work will appreciated, informed the president of the Goethe-Institut, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, the German representative of the Japan Art Association in Berlin.

Other winners are the Japanese pop artist Tadanori Yokoo and painters, the French architect Dominique Perrault, the pianist Mitsuko Uchida and the French dancer Sylvie Guillem. Prizes will be awarded on 21 October in Tokyo. They are endowed with 112,500 euros each.

With his work, for which he often organic substances such as pollen, rice or milk used loaf’ve traced beyond fashions and trends important issues facing humanity, it was said to justify the jury. Laib works have been exhibited time and again, including in the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Haus der Kunst in Munich and the MoMA in New York.

For its powerful graphic style, his imagination and the radical use vibrant colors recognized by the jury painter Tadanori Yokoo to (79). Known as “Japan’s answer to Andy Warhol” are Yokoos works can be found in more than 120 museums. 2012 was for him in Kobe a museum built.

Born in Japan Mitsuko Uchida (66), now a British citizen, trying on the notes out to understand what the composer wanted to express, told the jury , Uchida step on with the best orchestras and was committed to the promotion of young musicians in.

“exceptional dancer” praised the jury Sylvie Guillem (50). With their graceful shape and suppleness put it technically to create brilliant choreography. World famous and celebrated it is also through her collaboration with choreographers such as Maurice Béjart, Mats Ek and Russell Maliphant.

The architect Dominique Perrault (62), who designed among other things, the French National Library in Paris and the Berlin Velodrome, sit in his work powerful accents. Among his most important buildings include the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the Fukoku Tower in Osaka and located currently in construction Longchamps Racecourse in Paris.

The junior prize goes to the Yangon Film School in Myanmar. The film school, in the decade young people are trained for the documentary, will receive 37,500 euros for a new production.

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