03 September 2015
The writer Liao Yiwu interviewed the artist Ai Weiwei at the Berlin Philharmonie on legal and censorship, fear and flight. Actually, a moderator was planned, but the two would rather talk to each other.
Between a thousand and four hundred thousand people were in the Philharmonie in Berlin on Wednesday evening. On the huge stage on which other major orchestras have their performances, there were only four chairs. No, in the foreground sitting on small chairs, two young women, who transferred the German translations in deaf language. Had invited to the event, the International Literature Festival Berlin.
In the middle of the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei and his fellow countryman, the writer Liao Yiwu sitting. Originally it was supposed to be a German moderator. The two but would rather talk to each other alone. Only accompanied by their translators. When Ai Weiwei once interrupted because he found that he spoke too long and Liao Yiwu must surely come to speak, it was clear that he had not understood the game. Liao Yiwu would not leave his role. As in his books, he was the one who revealed himself only in his or questions – which can also be said – is hidden behind them. So experienced readers of the great interview volumes Liao Yiwu’s where the silenced voices of China – prisoners, refugees, Christians – a chance to speak, as he goes on
. “Of course, makes me a bit of “
Let’s get the obvious quickly behind us. To his much incriminating statement, the arrest of a few people is not a big deal, said Ai Weiwei: You do not think seriously that does not move me. Six of the detained lawyers I know personally, two of them have represented me. Of course, makes me a bit. But I see that as we see the Chinese people: What are the face of millions of dead who has this regime under his belt, a few arrests? I see them on the background of the violence that happened and still happen to less famous. A few years ago people were still just killed like that. Today we have a legal system. I say the legal system, because it is not a constitutional state. . We are still far from the rule of law
The set Ai Weiwei, the arrest of a few people is not a big thing is, realistically, is truer than the – entirely legitimate – outrage over the arrests, it is, if it is not embedded threatening in the image of every life overall situation
If that -. the face of the economic boom of the People’s Republic of China – greatly exaggerated occurs, the wonder what Ai Weiwei explains Liao Yiwu’s on question of the role of censorship: Censorship is omnipresent. They who defend the regime against its own population is divergent thoughts, the Chinese government worth as much as the defense, the defense against the external enemy. It goes with the censorship in China not to fight this or that view. The aim is to suppress any manifestation of individuality. This is not a climate for creativity. A society in which people can not try, can not really develop. We gain confidence by doing something that we want to do. We fail or succeed us. If the government prevents us from we do not know what we can and what we can not. We blame everything on the state
Liao Yiwu:. What is the resistance? We who have been practicing resistance in order to gain freedom, have gone to jail. We have not achieved the freedom
The big words
Ai Weiwei:. Resistance and freedom – these are very large words. As luck or justice. Since everyone has to decide for itself what it one or the other is worth. Everyone has to find its balance since. These are not values or ideals for which to commit themselves, you can ask other. For a while I thought, for example, there was a silver lining, if the regime did not change, because I was afraid, without being able to develop resistance to it no self-confidence. Resistance is only the resistance in a particular situation. Changes which the resistance will change. That’s only logical
Liao Yiwu:. My daughter is very young. She has no history. Would not it be better for our country to have no history
Ai Weiwei:? We have none. She was taken from us. Not only you and me, but the whole nation. There is only one story that tells the regime. As soon as you start to tell your own, you’ll be prevented. That our stories we can not tell us, destroys our memory. I have experienced in prison. I had no contacts outside. There was no one with whom I could talk. There were no animals. I was alone. I tried to remember. I wanted to live on my memories. But only enough for one week. Then there was nothing left. And what was there always seemed unreliable
Liao Yiwu. Fear is a driving force for the development of literature. You told once you came out like a stone who wanted to lossprengen of stone, of which he is a part, because he has the feeling that they can be used as part of a rock not be himself.
“Fear is part of life”
Ai Weiwei: This is said very poetically. A little too poetic. Fear is part of life. Not only human. All beings are afraid. Life is weak and fragile. The animals know as well as we
Liao Yiwu. In Germany, just a lot of discussion on refugees. I am a political refugee. You will return to China. Then you have a large studio stands empty here in Berlin. This could make it a haven for refugees
Ai Weiwei:. You say you are a political refugee. We’re talking about a very different kind of political refugees. You have published a few books here. You bring a so much that You will be alcoholize quietly. I was in a refugee camp and talked to refugees. I was in Iraq, where I experienced very young people who told me she wanted to go to Germany. The refugee issue is very complicated. International politics, economy and religion all play their roles in it. Very confused and complex. My studio is to remain a studio
Liao Yiwu. I like you because you’re an honest man
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