Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer Jungle Camp 2015: The first finalist is certain: Costa Cordalis … – ABC Online

Saturday, 08.01.2015, 11:18 am · FOCUS-Online Editor Kinga Rustler and FOCUS-Online-author Deana Mrkaja
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He managed again: The first Jungle King is also the first finalist of the Summer jungle camps. Costa Cordalis, the man who finds nuclear bunker celestial, is the winner of the evening. All information about the Trash TV highlight of the summer in the news ticker

The facts:. ” I’m a Celebrity – Let me clean again ” That has never happened before! Six jungle kings and 27 Busch Veterans fighting on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the RTL show in January to a ticket to the jungle camp in 2016. The first show was Costa Cordalis decide for themselves. Karma is after all no Bitch – Costa won with positive thoughts and a smile. Werner Böhm and dustin semmelrogge are out. Touching Ster moment of the evening: As Dirk Bach can be seen on the screen, Sonja Zietlow turns. The wounds do not seem to be healed

The current development Ticker:.

Summary of the first show

Saturday, August 1st, 09.52 Clock: The king wins: Costa Cordalis sat down in the first episode of Summer jungle camps against his opponents dustin semmelrogge and Werner Böhm by. He is the first finalist of “I’m a Celebrity – Let me clean again” firmly

Only one makes its way back into the jungle camp.! 27 Ex-candidates play to mark the 10th anniversary season of the jungle show in January to the re-entry of celebrities. On Friday started at 22:15 clock on RTL, the new show “I’m a Celebrity – Let me in again!”, Of course, also moderated by Sonja Zietlow (47), Daniel Hartwich (36) and Dr. Bob (65). In the opening sequence Werner Böhm (74), dustin semmelrogge (34) and the first King of the Jungle Costa Cordalis (71, “Anita”) occurred.

In the telephone voting sat down at the end crooner Cordalis just by against Semmelrogge. For Bohm called the least to fans. In the tasks previously shown, the winner of the first season turned out in 2004 to the public apparently as fit most returnees in the Australian jungle. This is his comeback in the jungle however, far from clear: the final winner will be announced only at the end in the grand finale – the Costa himself, however, has now qualified

Ticker protocol

. 00.30 Clock: Costa Cordalis, the winner of the heart and meditation followers:

00.15 clock: Oh, before we “bye” say yet this great picture:

00.10 clock: It is finished: Costa Cordalis wins the first live show. However, what’s the point anyway? On August 08, he must again into the ring, because only then it comes to the real jungle sausage. It was a feast to behold the well-fed jungle faces again. Tomorrow we will continue with the same way, the second live show. Also present: Nadja Abd El Farrag (or something similar), Carsten, the magpie, Spengemann and Willi Herren, who famously’s totally broke. #soexcited

00.04 Clock: Werner is out, out, end of the game! That went pretty fast. Costa and Dustin are … maybe

23.58 clock. By the way, the audience has long been calling for their star. Candidates now have 90 seconds to promote themselves. It is striking: The Costa has very nice Muckis for his more than 70 years. Can you leave about also operate the biceps

23.53 clock: Freshly showered the men get out of their cabs:

23.47 clock: By the way: If you do not answer the question correctly, is showered. Respectively: All are showered when one answers incorrectly. One for all, all for one

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All candidates of Summer Jungle Camps: Nadja Abd El Farrag, Carsten Spengemann, Christina Lugner – nickname “Mausi”, Mathieu Carrière, Sarah “thingy” Knapp, Eike Immel, Julia Biedermann, Werner Boehm, Ingrid van Bergen, Willi Herren, Barbara Engel, Costa Cordalis, Micaela Schäfer, Peter Bond, Brigitte Nielsen, Ailton, Walter Freiwald, Tanja tables Malevich, Sara Kulka, Jay Khan, Melanie Müller, Michael Wendler, Gabriella Christina . de Almeida Rinne, Joey Heindle, Georgina, dustin semmelrogge and Fiona Erdmann

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