Many took him ill be Israel-poem, but now there is one last work of Günter Grass, published after his death: “Vonne Endlichkait” is not preachy, but unusually self-deprecating.
When Günter Grass died at an advanced age in April, there would have can not guess from the shattered and unanimously awesome reactions such controversial writer had last been. Grass had, we felt it, his acquired in long decades validity misused to impose public questionable private opinions, and had not shied away emotional blackmail.
“With the last ink” he had written these lines it said in its Israel-poem “What must be said” what nothing else was said as: It would be disrespectful to ignore these words, brought to an extreme yet possible effort. Many took him evil, and rightly so.
Here mortal man Grass talks
As it now turns out, it was not yet been last but penultimate words. The latest, apparently still housed by himself in the present form, appear now. Enter the very Grassi title “Vonne Endlichkait” Endlichkait with ai, so that the reader can feel the broad dialect of the lost homeland in the far northeast under the typeface.
This particularism had Kashubian Grass introduced many Animosity, especially where he is associated with a certain stubbornness. Now it seems quite natural that a return at the end of his life to the place of his childhood, to bring in the redensartlichen wisdom of his ancestors comfort before the inevitable, that he must be alone to go through, and soon.
“Nu Beginning jewäsen”, begins this very last text you afraid to call a poem, “Nu has sixteenth jehabt jenuch. / Nu is gone un gone”, and so a few lines further, until it ends “un nuscht nech iebrich / un ieberall Endlichkait sain.” This Endlichkait belongs certainly not the active vocabulary of Grass’ ancestors, who were engaged in potato farming and retail trade. How Grass tried here at the very end einzubiegen back in the beginning, and yet the writers do not deny, has something touching.
In “Vonne Endlichkait” is Grass no moral authority
Günter Grass officiated no longer as a moral authority. This is the most surprising and most sympathetic train this book. The author understands that separate him not years, but mere months from death, that he may see all the pretty mundane things of everyday life and the seasons in this year for the last time; and it must be worked out to him in such close quarters, it is not the institution GG, but the man is imminent Grass Final
Although there are still so few of the typical grumbling -. what his views on financial markets and American drone attacks are concerned, it is sufficient to say. He is against it – but such things can easily push aside as unimportant in reading
saw the whistle with Günter Grass as grown from.
(Photo: picture alliance / dpa )
More interesting is the Personal. His Olivetti typewriter admire the grandson as a dinosaur; but where he gets to the box yet ribbons from? At the flea markets can be found at most used, washed copies. Since reaching him from Spain a whole package of brand new bands, and given the gratitude, with the filled him this unexpected gift, you will almost frightened pause, how fragile this man has become.
It changes many things with him , which one would not have expected change. Grass’ erotic depictions were indeed used to be something Peinigendes because they exhibited so ostentatiously provocative intimacy. It somehow had the feeling that they betrayed the natural reticence of loving flesh. Now the situation is reversed the aging flesh that treason carries the former lovers. “Although I am with muted whistle, but traveling without a match or in other words. The potency of these busybodies, has made limp Only the desire remains and pretends..” As in the familiar shamelessness this author draws somewhat shamefaced one that you did not know
The pipe that looked like grown at Grass, unfolded at once ambivalences, which were previously foreign to her. and comes if it at night to visit the anthropologist Lévi-Strauss (on the privilege of having the deceased write colleagues chatting equal to equal, Grass waived even now) and told him Amerindian myths, the apparently obvious phallic protrusion may unexpectedly even in a smoldering female lap turn.
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