Friday, October 21, 2016

Sarah and Pietro before?: A Lombardi-separation would have far-reaching consequences – FOCUS Online

Friday, 21.10.2016, 14:56 · von FOCUS-Online-editor Joseph Hausner
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The marriage of Sarah and Pietro Lombardi is apparently in crisis. After secret love-allegations against Sarah, he has deleted all of the shared images in Instagram, and was seen without a wedding ring. The two are since her career start but also professionally, as a unit. Sarah goes without Pietro, and Vice versa?

Since then, photos have surfaced to prove the alleged infidelity of Sarah, do not stop the speculation: Is now everything in the Lombardi’s?

For the Couple, however, is more to the game than just their marriage but also her career. “Sarah and Pietro has been in Shows, in fact, always two of them”, says the renowned Marketing specialist Marc Oliver Opresnik to FOCUS Online. “They were together in 2011 on the Finale of American idol, fell in love at the time, surprisingly, in front of an audience of millions, and stayed together even after the Show, even founded a family. This has made it into the German TV-landscape."

“Sarah and Pietro, one inevitably thinks always of the other”

Sarah and Pietro were not only privately, but also professionally, as a Couple. Sarah without Pietro, and Vice-versa – would work the career technically? Marketing professional Opresnik is skeptical. “A brand is a collection of associations in the consciousness of people,” he explains. The hook, therefore, in the case of Lombardi’s: “In the case of Sarah, or Pietro, one thinks inevitably to the other. Together, they form a brand, the Lombardi’s."

Thus, the published Sarah and Pietro in the past, two common music albums and built up as a dream few a big Community of fans in social networks. Your whole life you showed on the television at RTL 2: “Sarah & Pietro to have a Baby”, “Sarah & Pietro to build a house” and “Sarah & Pietro in a caravan through Italy” were the names of your three previous docu-Soaps.

“will not remove the attention if you should as a Few occurrence of”

“In a double pack-you achieved much more attention,” explains the expert Opresnik. His prognosis in the case of a separation sounds a little bit rosy: “You have to assume that this attention to Sarah and Pietro no longer decreases when you should as a Couple to occur.”

As for the experts, it doesn’t look as if it would have succeeded Sarah and Pietro, to date, to establish itself as a strong individual brands. “When you hear the name Pietro, not necessarily a big Star, but, rather, to the TV of the Couple of Sarah and Pietro,” Opresnik. In the case of Sarah, he still sees the bigger opportunities, because you had become through your participation in the RTL-dance show “Let’s Dance” to a wide audience as a single person is known.

“It could be difficult”

If Sarah and Pietro – you should separate yourself truly independently of each other in the show business, could establish, according to the experts, is uncertain. “With a final safety, you can’t say, like, the two as individual brands would work,” says Opresnik. “It might, however, be difficult.”

In the Video: Sarah Lombardi post a Selfie from the holidays – and her alleged Lover responds

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